RBG - Most Tanks Are Unplayable

I only just started PvPing in Shadowlands and I am at roughly around 1400cr - so nothing big - I play a Protection (Tank) Paladin may I add. It is essentially impossible to play any tank but a Vengeance Demon Hunter or a Guardian Druid for Capture the flag maps. I understand some classes are stronger than others in certain situations but this is just extreme. I feel like this could be fixed by giving flag carriers a non-relative movement speed debuff i.e. not saying “OK, you’re now moving at 60% movement speed,” but instead “You now move at a speed of 4 yards per second.” This would increase the pressure on flag carriers and give us a need not to go kill the enemy flag carrier with 7-8ish people. The only thing able to affect this speed debuff should be speed buffs picked up on the map or other players’ spells at a rate of like once every 30 seconds so the same problem does not arise with other roles too.


Cries in prot warr

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That debuff existed in BFA and the result was that the ONLY viable tank was DH, because leap was the only mobility spell still working.

And TBH all the tanks except prot pal have great mobility (monk, 3x leaper leggo for war), so that’s not the reason why druid and DH are the best tanks. Even prot was quite nice with it’s invulnerability to CC while on pony, but blizz decided to nerf that.


I understand that some tanks are always gonna be better flag carriers but should most tanks really be unplayable to this extent?

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because each tank got different role :

  • DH is a CC master tank and with jumps
  • Druid is a bunker, adn when he’s free he can move whenever he want
  • Monk Tank is good to dealy physical damage and to kite on map like warsong and twin peak ( the rest he’s useless)
  • War Prot is a “2nd tank” who reduce the incoming damage of a target ( like with bodyguard you can merely deny a target calling by itself.
  • Paladin Tank is a Arena tank design, to give immunities and to heal his allies, but deal more damage than a holy pala since he can’t hold as long as a holy paladin.
  • Death Knight is a target caller tank, he can spam grip way often to set out a target out of range of ennemy healer, allowing dk team to easely kill his target. DK tank can’t be on Flag carrier due to his dependance of death strike and getting 0 resistance damage.

Consider why DH and Guardian is taken is because they are both tank that can survive stun easier, if you look upon shield tank and monk, you stun them and they are paper and can’t resist magic damage too.
Guardian and DH thank to geting highter health pool can avoid more easier to being kill since it’s more easy for the healer to heal the tank, you can’t solo tank versus a RBG team you are dependant of healer.
Also DH tank got a cheat death, it’s insane as flag carrier, many time it has saved me many RBG win when i was DH tank.

The reason today we tend to guardian druid is because of his health pool and bramble talent, when you look how much he can reduce damage with bramble can totally deny damage from arcane missible or damage from Marksmanship hunter.

So all tak are playable but Guardian and DH are designed for flag carrier, and you take a tank in RBG mostly for flag carrier, maybe there’s people that take DK tank in RBG and succeed on map of hotmogu or something like that but people will not dare try a DK flag carrier when it come to, or they will not dare too since he can be easely 1shot.

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It would certainly help to reduce movement while carrying a flag for some classes.
I get that DH and Guardian Druid are as good as they are from a tanking perspective but you should not be able to outrun mounted people then.

DH can double jump into nightfae soul shape teleport and druids are already fast enough even without soul shape.

Yesterday I saw a DH tank jumping on his team’s graveyard from below like WTF.

Funny, you mainly need tanks to carry flags. You do not need 2 tanks, you do not need a tank in arena, tanks should not target call. You need tanks to be fast for flags and tanky so they can defend bases and anti-tap. How on earth is this justifiable?

You are just stupid whining paladin. Your class has 2 super strong specs in BG - holy is 2nd best healer after priest and retri is best burster ever, and you, the slow-minded paladin, still whines. There are classes that have 0-1 viable pvp specs for BG.

re-spec retri and chill

Every class has at least 1 viable bg/rbg spec.

Corrected that for you.

First of all, I would like to thank you for your objective choice of words and the corectness of what you say. Second of all, please read the title of the post and then rethink what you just wrote.

Frankly, the game was more fun when tanks were really fast. When DH tank mode was superfast, carrying a flag was so much fun, I would’ve paid double without complaints.

Nerfing speed is a bad thing, because carrying a flag is like swimming in tar, so no one wants to take a flag anymore, it’s not fun anymore.

Blizz has a knack for removing all the fun from this game, but people shouldn’t be applauding it. Make tanks and flag carriers FASTER to make the game more fun.

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You’re not missing out on anything mate, it’s the most boring role in most groups.

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yes but they would have to make ALL tanks around equally fast then

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I agree with your opinion about making tanks equal in some kind of sense but it is not as easy as making them all equally fast. Even if you would be as fast as a druid I believe that it is easier to defend a druid in bear-form over a paladin who cannot use bubble / bop etc.

Instead of making all the tanks the same, maybe let them focus on different strengths.

Druid - fast but not as tanky
Paladin - slow but tanky

Maybe that would allow people to run different comps instead of having one or two meta tanks have many strong aspects. Because if you try to make them all the same, why not just have ONE tank spec?

Good point, but most people just care about tanks being fast. Tanks are not really needed to defend anymore so their only real job is to carry flags. They still defend because you still bring them along in case they need to carry a flag but aside from that they are just…well they are just there somehow.

This and it’s for this reason that only DH / Druid / monk or warrior ( if assisted) is taken.

Why tanking all the damage
When you can avoid taking all the damage ?

Wejust take tank just tanky enought in can a rogue stun when you got flag with 9 stack. After that the tank must avoid damage again instead of tanking it.

Tanking is the most thankless boring job in RBGs.

You sit at a node in constant state of alert waiting to get double inc’d by boomkin/rogue and when they do come, because they will, you plead to your mongomeelecleave teammates for help and they just trash talk you for not solo heroing the most burst damage/cc heavy 2s comp for an hour until they finally decide to stop failing vs the 3 healers at their node and come help.

Then you get a flag map, finally something fun. Except that same rogue/boomkin comp are just waiting to ruin your day again and of course everyone knows it’s going to happen and still no one gives it a second thought. You try to explain to your team that changes to the flag debuff have made you take more damage and eliminated fast travel which should necessitate a shift in the way the team moves and they just ignore your meaningless ramblings while calling out the targets with defensives up and failing to CC any heals.

Just play Ret lol…

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