RBG Season 3 Alliance

Hey all,

“RBG Guild” on Al’akir, just freshly thrown up for season 3 starting there’s about 5 of us so far ranging from 1600-2.1k recent exp in RBGs, currently just capping honour and renown for reset. We need about 5 more people (2healers, 3 dps) to get ready to play RBGs on Monday & Wednesday nights around 2100 server time(2000 UTC) Looking for a Melee comp(warriors,rets etc), so far it looks like

Havoc DH(Vengeance for FC etc)

Ping me here if it’s any interest! Cheers

Happy to see there are still People who play RBGs.
Btw a question, in s3 will we be able to get tier sets from pvp like arenas and bg vendors or only from raiding?

Not entirely sure mate, I would suspect so because it is a main competitive game loop, but you never know with blizzard I guess

Updating thread:

Need 1 healer, preferably Disc/Druid and more melee DPS

Holy Paladin here :slight_smile: Wondering if you guys still looking for a healer?

Hi im ret paladin is there still a spot?
I have a holy paladin to both have pvp gear

Hey all, sorry for some reason this forum doesn’t seem to notify me when there are replies to a thread, currently swapped to horde on mains sorry, looking for 3rd player in arena and probably will be running RBGs in near future also

Hi lf rgb groupe but I can only offer affli boomi sp