RBGS are the biggest disappointments in wow for me

Hey…yeah again a casual player who didnt join a top 5% RBG guild/community and stomp everyone without spending hours in LFG to play 1 game …is complaining about rbgs.

It is so painfull sitting hours and hours and hours in LFG only to lose a game and then again waiting hours for the regroup or find another team…

Give us Solo-queue PLS BLIZZARD! I mean the community will be same toxic, i will not win or lose more games, and i will complain about someth else i KNOW! but ATLEAST i can PLAY the game and dont sit in LFG.

RBG/PVP in WoW is so special u cant find the feeling and gameplay somewhere else… pls Blizzard


This is the same as speaking with the wall - no yolo q coming. Communtites also wants only great geared, META specs with hight exp guys, coz 1/3 of the raid is RL friends, thats want to be boosted. Pugs have RL in theory, on practice they have no clue what to do after 2 lost mid fights.
Last time i played with communities guys they have nothing against my target before game started - then start to complaint thats i did wrong. Coz healers backpedal and want me to start target DPS - like tanky warrior and unkillable ret Pala under freecasting 2 holy pala enemy healers, coz they cant move as a group. :roll_eyes: I’m now only 1 day/week of RBG play coz its nearly unbelievable boring to spend so many hours in LFG, i even don’t care about 1.8 plate set. Its not worth it, tbh.


The only thing that will kill the meta and diminish elitism, is soloque.

Make it so that each team can’t have duplicate specs. You promote diverse BGs and you punish OP spec rerollers by having them waiting in the queue for ages.

But yea, we can only dream. I guess blizz wants to keep losing money by having 80% of the PVP community constantly frustrated and on the verge of cancelling subs.


im pretty sure Blizzard would love to implement a RBG Solo queue that would make the player count in pvp much higher and would help wow. But i think they dont want invest that much money/time for that. we know how long they need for anything.

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They can just ban specs stacking. Like they ban 4 healers q. Thats was a cancer.


I personally never had trouble getting into the RBGs, sure I have waited at least a hour or more, but at the end of the day you should not rush into any teams just for the sake of it, because first you need to understand your personal level, then your team’s level.

But u need nothing to do and zero underrstanding, just listen. Also u invited coz retri in a good state. People have troubles, coz other things. When i played in BFA as DH i even decided with who i want to play, list grps and so on. Now - not.

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Negative win ratio and still climb rating, yeah rbgs are disappointing with how free the rewards are from it.

idk how u can compare it with rating gain ? Im talking about playing rbgs for fun and compepetiv at the same time and my focus is ON PLAY. if u are fine guys with waiting 1 hour or 30 min for games and think this is part of wow u dont get my point or cant understand it. it has many reasons why LFG is bad imo, the time u spend there, toxic requirments, and biggest issue time wasting = aka drain all the fun out of me. And i would love to queue solo play with the same toxic players and lose as usual but atleast im playing and dont waste time like every day.

And dont tell me RBGS are fine atm there were dead till shadowlands and only for honor/conqu gain people play it atm. i wanna see rbgs as a part of the game like raiding arena and m+

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those have ppl leeching honor for vault
no effort to win at all
why does rated bg feel like epics?
because those who join/queue want stuff for free+ a carry

I have a many question to RBG. Wrote it here Again: MMR, Matchmaking, gear, balance

But I agree totally. I don’t have so much time for LFG, also where ppl looking for OP specs. It’s a madness. Elitism. And I’ve get 1400 as Fury warrior on arenas, and 1500 as Cat/Bear on RBG. But holy cow, I’ve got 1400, then go down to 1200, today just get 1500, then go down 1300… Cause of what? Cause of comps. Elite won’t me cause not a boomkin, non elite very often a bad PvP players and I discover this only during the fight.

So I’ve spent hours in LFG, for just lose few games and as result ppl won’t invite me cause of win rate. what? Yea… that’s blizzard balance makes this elitism.

But I can’t enjoy my casual PvP cause I can’t get gear. But here is another problem For getting gear you need rating and achievements, but for actually get this rating you need a gear. So you must get another PvE Abuse. Or … Solo q will fix it easy. Just ez!

Yeah thats the problem… what we learned from wow/gaming and especially from classic people always try to min/max and listen to meta, try to cheese everyth…thats why we need solo queue…i mean i cant imagine how many people rerolled off a class they loved…because they cant stand the bad reputation and effort that needs to get in a grp.

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