RDF getting kicked by tank and ending up with 30m deserter


I just got kicked out of a RDF group and ended up with a deserter debuff.
Getting kicked is part of the RDF design, hense why I hate the whole damn thing, but why do you end up with a 30m debuff?
Getting kicked happens often, especially after dinging a new 85 alt and not doing full BIS dps, but why does it have to be a double penalty? Being kicked for no real reason and a debuff?

I just hope classic keeps it social aspect and it doesn’t become a retail toxic V2.0 where kicking people can give a turn on for some people because they know they will screw people over by doing so.

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The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.

If you have a good suggestion to its improvement you can always add one through the suggestion box ingame!

Getting kicked does not happen often.

If that does happen often to you, perhaps you need to do something with yourself rather.

Since when Carring bad players Has anything to do with social aspect ?

I played over 200 dungeons since cata classic release and havent seen any kick for low dps, only kick reason was afk, and 1 time when tank was very retarded (it was after about 3rd or 4th wipe).

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