Reaction of the Warrior Community

As many people may know the Warrior Community for classic versions of WoW is one of the largest and most active communities. The complexity of the class drives lots of theory crafting, sim development and overall enjoyment of a class which drives people to play better in many different ways.

The reaction to these changes has thus far made the WoW Head guide writer for warrior quit the position. Most of the players part of the Fighting Club community are planning on quitting and many sim developers are saying they won’t bother to update their projects for SoD any further.

With warrior players making up a large portion of the active player base of SoD, many of who are dedicated to playing warrior and not other classes now simply plan of quitting the game mode entirely.

These changes do not attempt to balance out warriors to be inline with other classes. Instead it directly aims to eliminate the use of Arms and Prot warriors, remove the ability to Glad Tank and put Fury at the bottom of any damage meter.

Warrior Tanks are the worst hit by this, Glads threat reduction removes its viability, changing fury runes to reduce threat generation to push players away from Fury Tanking while providing almost no meaningful changes to Prot to make it viable.

Ability to hold threat will be a struggle while dealing very little damage making most other tanking options overall better due to better threat gain and overall more dps. Seriously, SoD was the perfect time to bring Prot warriors up to the same level as tanks like Paladins.

Of course many warrior DPS players where expecting to still be a power house at level 60 and any major nerfs would drive these people away, but any of us would have been fine with some nerfs as long as they fell inline with the original direction of SoD, i quote “Everyone will feel over powered”.

Following that sentiment I would expect some minor nerfs to warriors while bring in more significant buffs to other classes to bring them up to the same level.

Instead during SoD warriors have been able to abuse certain mechanics and group combinations while waiting 30 minutes to use Recklessness between bosses to achieve stupidly high DPS in raids while remaining worthless in PvP and open world content.

These nerfs focus on bring down the top few percent of min-maxers that min-max beyond them selves and instead have entire raid team dedicated to helping them pass high.

Aside from the outrage over the severity of the damage nerfs, the other issue is a huge lack of fun. These are the final runes and instead of anything particularly big or entertaining we just get more stat buffs or “spam the same ability you already had some more”.

Why not give warriors abilities like Heroic leap that are fun, don’t incur risk of large damage output and give warriors a better chance in their already weak PvP abilities.

Overall, most warriors are just angry and the rest of us are just, kinda confused? None of these changes seem to make any sense (15% more movement speed for fury warriors? Who is that helping? No one will ever use that outside of literally just running around).

Hopefully there this will be addressed to some degree, because at this point SoD warriors just won’t be played anymore and no one want a class just being removed.