reactivating an old accout but want to play with partner in war within (in EU) having problems sigining both into arathor.
my new acc now has an option to log in on EU with the war within but even though I bought a version of ‘the war within’ for my partner…he does not seem able to log into arathor so we can both meet with new characters
There is nothing special about the realm Arathor-EU. It’s just a regular English-language realm.
What happens when your friend clicks “REALMS” at the top of the login screen? He should get a list of realms, and be able to choose Arathor. What does he actually see?
Other questions:
Does he have game time paid for? TWW basic edition doesn’t come with game time. Even if he doesn’t have game time, he should be able to log in, make a character on Arathor or anywhere else, and level that character to 20, when level restrictions kick in, and would need gametime to level further.
When your friend looks at his BattleNet client screen, does it read, in the bottom left:
> World of Warcraft
> WoW1 (EU) - The War Within
> Play