Reactivity node not working as expected

Why doesn’t the small sunder from reactivity interact with other talents?
From the wording i do understand that it does not proc earthsurge, even though that is counterintuitive due to the node placement.
However i see no reason why the reactivity sundering wouldn’t proc stuff like Windfury weapon, because the normal sundering does.

I am not sure if that is intended behavior or just a bug.

The wording of reactivity and earthsurge points to it being intended, although looking at the balance and at how much the lava lash talents are being played, I would take a look at changing that.

As for the other interactions, it seems that the sundering cast from hot hand lava lash to be a different spell than normal sundering (looking at logs you can see the different spells). So it might be a simple case of spaghetti code.

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Yeah that is what I am guessing as well.
Reactivity working with oversurge would make it very much op so it’s good reason it doesn’t (unless oversurge gets heavily nerfed/is adjusted to work with a reduced number for reactivity)

And the other thing likely is spaghetti as you said, just forgot to add the new spell id to the whitelist for windfurry procs would be my best guess

At this point, even if it worked at 30% effectiveness (same percentage as the triggered sundering), I still doubt if it would make the elementalist part of the tree playable.

But I would pretty much prefer that. The elementalist playstyle at the moment is non existent, with storm overtaking both hero talents and ending up playing SS-spending simulator. I kidna miss the times that utilization of HH procs mattered.

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