Real Solo shuffle experience - tiltmode

Oooo what a time to be alive.

So i was 2k+ CR @ solo shuffle as a disc priest.
Had 2 bad sessions (lost 4 matches in both and won only 2).
Then the following happened:

  1. 2k+ cr → 2 bad sessions → dropped to 1880.
  2. then won 2 sessions (4 times in both sessions) = 0 rating earned from those
  3. won 5 games in the next session = -57 for winning 5 games

When i finally started to enjoy the game i just had to make the decision to never ever wanting to play this sh*tshow again. Insane how this multi billiontrillion company can’t create a normally working mmr system. (oh forgot to mention that on 2.2 cr i only got 900 rated players)

Hf boys and girls


I was watching cdew have +2.1 but then he was like 1600 on solo cos his being paired with random 0cr ppl and gaining big - from them if he goes 3/6 or 4/6 :smiley:

the longer dps sits que the higher pool the system try find him a healer, imagine some guy with 500 sits 2 hour in que and can be put with 2100 healer just if there was none below it. Then just big fat - for all who is higher than him or 0 if u beat him


There was a suggestion the other day that would solve that problem, without hurting the intended purpose of a rating system.

^ By far the best suggestion for the shuffle rating system that I’ve seen, without needing massive amounts of work to redesign the matchmaking process.


That’s a good solution. Next is to implement the new punishment for leaving tomorrow…

I quit in shadowlands and got dragged back again by solo shuffle (i was hesitating a lot to buy the game or not) and i thought it works just exactly like the same suggestion which you’ve just linked (little back story: i played on AT for years where solo que was working like how it should).
Now i actually just feel scammed tbh that it’s ultra broken.

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I read they also implement rating for all who didnt leave, like it should been from beginning lol

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No, that’s what they’re planning for a “future update” while not providing any date whatsoever for it. It just means they were in so much trouble with people quitting because of the problems in shuffle, that they had to announce plans that they don’t even know themselves when it’ll be implemented.
It really shows Blizzard are desperate to keep PvPers playing.

And keep in mind that because they’re plans without a release date, it means they’re all subject to change at any time.

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top of the ongoing rating shenanigans which are understandable putting ppl off from soloq its rly equally sickening how ppl can just gain nothing if someone leaves ranked

if someone leaves 2v2 or 3v3 the others just instantly win and go next

also it doesnt even make any sense why would they had made it so that ppl just gain nothing, i would understand if it was a bug but this is just next level incompetence

they just didnt tought of this at all… for all the time theyve had :man_facepalming:

its sickening

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I agree with that, but

that’s probably because some people complained that it’d be unfair to only give rating to the players that won while themselves would lose rating if they never got a chance to play against the “weak link”.

But Michieltjuhh mentioned a good way to mitigate such events in the thread where they announced those future plans, by not ending the round when the first player dies and letting people play 'til one side have all players dead.
Downside is that it’d increase the time per round though, but with the increased dampening and not being allowed to drink I doubt that’d be a big problem. (Although they should really allow healers to drink.)

Which also got another benefit, which is that it can punish players for not peeling and kiting when they go all in to just land a kill first.
Because when it ends the round as soon as the first player dies, it means no matter if your healer is on the brink of dying, as long as you land that kill first then you’ll still win the round. But if you play the round 'til one side has completely lost, then you can lose by killing a DPS while your healer is dead just a few seconds after.
So it’d promote a better way to play in shuffle overall.

People who don’t have a clue would still just lose of course, but it’d lead to the better team winning the round instead of just rewarding the side with the biggest burst. Since people would still be able to trade CDs and peel and so on, but right now people don’t even need to know that stuff as long as they land that first kill.

It’d also place more decisive power in the hands of players so that they can still turn it around and win 2v3 even if they had a bad player that died in the opening of the round, on their team.


What do you expect from the worst gaming company in recent years?

Blizzard its an awfull game design company for years.

Only $ for Bobby and his friends matters; they need some new planes

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