Really letting valor points boots exploit stay?

Seriously blizzard? Is it because gold is involved and people are encouraged to buy tokens to do this exploit???

exploit early, exploit often

Haven’t heard of that exploit. What was it about ?
And here I thought the conquest one was enough lol.

People could buy valor boots from others, then refund it to the vendor getting the valor points back in their pocket. So if you had enough gold you could buy lots of valor boe boots and refund them to buy all the other valor items.

this exploit was completely made up and fake, no proof of this happening has been provided anywhere. also the itemlevel leaderboard in the armory never showed any character wearing more valor pieces than intended

that xploit was made so people would buy other peoples valor boots. It looked like it worked as all of that was a made up thing.

not 100% on t his but this screenshot is a priest wearing tierchest and valor cloak which adds up to beyond 3.2k valor used
https:// imgur . com/a/4ZRl8PU
afaik theres no BoE chest available with the tierchest icon from priest tier

This image was also making the rounds on reddit of a Druid being in full 3-set with the valor ring, relic and cloak:

Well let em have it, till 2 devs, working on Cata Classic, would be done fixing bugs and will swith into ban issuing mode.

Wait, its still not fixed?

Sadly I am to poor to abuse this.

i doubt they will fix it soon somehow cause they cant even revert timer on items for refund

Gotta admit though, it encourages gold buying and possibly buying WoW Tokens.

Very convenient to block out the name.

Do we have a name of ANY of these people ?
So we can look them up on the classic armory (not official wows)

Several sources had said this exploit never existed to begin with and was a made up controversy. I have yet to see any evidence it was ever an exploit.

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