Really need help with gear

Hi I recently got some Hero pieces that are part of the Underlight Conjurers set and with them equipped i got the full set bonus but in using them I have lost a lot of mastery and crit as the shadowflame ones i was using had much better stats. I have gained more haste/versatlity but mastery went down from 44% to 29% and crit from 31% to 27%. The hero pieces have less stats than the veteran ones and even an adventurer ring has better stats than a hero one i have.
I do lose a fair amount of int with the ones that give me the high mastery and crit, I know that int is my primary stat so should i get that as high as possible even if i lose a lot of mastery/crit?
Is a higher gear level more important than stats and is the set bonus that good that i should sacrifice stats to equip them and is a more even spread of the stats better than lots in just mastery/crit?
I tried using askmrrobot and simcraft but they were conflicting - askmrrobot was telling me to use the gear i originally had with the high mas/cri and simcraft was telling me to use the hero gear.
Sorry for rambling on but i am just confused as what to do.


I trust raidbots more.
If you have an item crit mastery with ilvl 441 and haste versality which are the main stats 437 or 434 yeah they will be better than 441 because fire mastery and crit stats are tragic.

Hi thanks for replying - with the hero gear arcane blast base damage is 10500 but with the higher mast/crit it is down to 9691 obviously due to losing int - is it better to have a higher base damage? the arcane charges with the high mastery is 91% but with the hero gear that is down to 80% but with the higher base damage - what is better do you think?

If you focus secondaries over ilvl on jewelry and focus ilvl over secondaries on armor you won’t go far wrong.

Crit and haste won’t increase the base damage of one arcane blast. You’re over thinking it. Gameplay is a lot more important than a few secondaries, especially on a difficult spec like arcane.

I was refering to fire spec, for arcane most important stat intellect by far then is mastery crit. So yeah as Arcane go higher ilvl and focus on main stats with rings and neck

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