Abolished! Try Blitz, honestly, it’s so much better and fun, games tend to be close, no premades. All the BGs have a better rule set to play. It’s genuinely a blast.
You can learn the tactics for every BG and lead your team to 2k+ easily, people mostly listen if you’re positive and encouraging. Forget about non rated BGs
I meant the dk who said he won not a single bg in 2 days,which is quite sad. I remember him from older posts where he was unlucky enough to permanently meet lxrkus and Drx,so i asked if he swapped fraction in the meanwhile or if he is still Horde
During the week i can only play for 2 at most 3 hours so winnig is not easy lol. But i had some great battles even loseing ,afterall wow is a game and playing a game should be fun and not stressing ppl out.
All these premades in random bgs pmo and make me want to stop doing bgs as a solo player. We know, and they know they join random bgs with their premades because they are so bad to join actual rated bgs and play against other premades. They’d lose against actual premades. They know it! They just aren’t as good so they want to show off in random bgs vs ppl who just want to have fun or just started doing pvp.
Blizz needs to do something about this as it is getting out of hand.
Blizzard aren’t going to do anything about it, save your money, dignity and sanity and find better ways to spend your money and your time than paying for this farce of a game.
I’m not the one that keeps crying here about “premades are breaking ToS” and “premades should be banned” and a lot of other venom-infused messages.
Also, as a friendly advice: stop calling other players “scum”, your attitude towards other players has always been rude, even borderline agressive, which is against the ToS.
True exactly like this my two hours goes after i came from work and obvs i give up to game too looking somewhere else ,this company dont provide any balance or fair
I only play random epic bgs , but there are not playable in any possiple way. Larkus and zenie 2 days in a row . I was shocked how much hatred ppl showed against blizz and those 2 premades . Well i wont be playing now for a long time . Better for my nerves and health . That game is giving me real headache ,making me not felling good. Time to stop.
Go back to ur cave. U make ppl quitt the game and iam sure thats what u lowlife want. What if just alliance is left? Will one group play as horde and lose against u too ? THERE is something wrong with u big time and i feel sry for ur little soul. But play ur premade if that is the only thing u have in life. What i found out yesterday about u was not nice at all. Be proud of being the most hated person in the game.