Playing since Wrath. I have very little bad to say about WoW and love battlegrounds -they’re my main endgame content.
But I don’t have much time to play now. Queuing to be Russian premade fodder between 1/3 - 1/2 of the time is literally just paying Blizzard to waste my life.
4 queues today.
Arathi: team destroyed at LM, GM and BS, clicked the stats 3 mins in - not a single HK , most players just being stomped and in graveyard. Do I give up 20 minutes for this I won’t get back?
Temple of K. Whole team killed in 90 seconds, they get all orbs and get mid. Realising its premade, 1/3 of our team leaves. Rest AFK. Am I supposed to pay for this experience?
3rd one was Gulch. Team reduced to being graveyard stomped within 2 minutes for rest of match. Is this supposed to be fun?
only one match today was a fair fight. It was a narrow victory and enjoyable.
So for 2 hours invested including queuing time I got 15 minutes of actual fun gaming. (and no I don’t mind fair losses etc.)
Love the game, but think I have to leave until they fix this (probably never?)
Pretty gutted tbh.
Why some people are so sensitive about people disliking RU pre-mades? Everybody knows there is no difference between RU or GER or FR premades, its because most of the time its russians pre-mades they face and even tough they re in the same team, it s nearly impossible to comminicate with them because of the language barrier. That s the reason people dont like playing with or against russian pre-mades.
Main problem is that game mode it self is not random as it says. To solve this problem, they have to add ratings to random battlegrounds too, but not mmr, so if pre-mades are winning too much game in a row, they can climb up higher ranks and play against other pre-made teams while truly random players can stuck at their rank and play against other random players.
Or just let premades ONLY get a pop against other premades with the same grp size and amount of groups per side?
2 person grp vs 2 person grp, NOT 3, 4 or 5 person premades…would at the same time also solve the sync plague.
Edit: Before some1 comes with que times…I would gladly sit 15-20min que for a normal BG as 2 man grp already, if I get a “more fair” game for it!
Yea and then you can go with 10-15ppl in voice and check that all of you lowbies get a pop for the same map!
…if you mean what I think, since I try to decipher your sentences every single time.
The “random” in random bg always referred to random as opposed to specific bg, for example you can queue for Arathi or for EotS only. Random just means any map in the pool for bonus honor at the end. It never meant completely random team as the queue allows solo players as well as groups of up to 5 players.
I know German and French people who also suck at speaking English and play this game.
Bad players single out the Russians because they lose to them more often I guess? Idk, never had any problems with Russians in random bgs. Just played the game and treated them like any other opponent because they are perfectly ordinary.
Yes, they are superior and fights don’t revolve around endless anticapping.
Furthermore, because of the mmr you get opponents closer to your skill level.
I would prefer a power nerf for larger groups to keep everyone in the same queue while reducing the advantage 5 stacks have.
Realistically though, nothing will happen at all.
5 stacks will stay in the queue, unnerfed.
Being salty wont solve your problems, so adapt.
I personally don’t care about random bgs anymore. I play blitz nowadays and only join randoms occasionally to chill with friends.
Blizz should split the queues for those who want to play in groups and those who want to play alone, groups will only match against other premades and solo players will enter queues against other solo players, this should make it harder for premades like Drex, Fistus, Ripley, Larkus to join together.
Neither Drex nor I have any problems with leading a random teams joining solo.
Larkus can lead alone too in theory but prefers to hide in a sync premade nowadays.
And Ripley is just a generic member of Larkus’ community. I’ve never seen him alone and he doesn’t lead.
You can literally put me or Drex in any team in any team and it will be much more effective because of the strat calls we make, not because of the few friends that we bring.
I’m having such an awful time in Blitz, if I only did that I would stop playing lol. Stuck at 1700, and since I’m relatively close to 1800 I just get annoyed each time I lose. And often people seem to play worse than in Random BGs.
On topic: not every loss in Random BGs that entails being GY farmed is caused by a premade. Sometimes its just stuff like the enemy team having two geared healers and yours having one that just dinged in Timewalking and immediately entered a BG with some TW/Delve gear…
The game is a joke compared to how it used to be, the vast majority of the decent players in this game have all gone. All you’re left with now is gobsh!tes and wannabee pixel gangsters, best thing you can do with your sub in this game, is end it. If you really want decent, fun and competitive PVP, then I’m sorry, all the fun people have stopped playing so it’s literally nothing but a nerdy sweatfest that is left.
Get off your pedestal and have the decency to start your sentence with “I prefer blitz rules for … reasons”
Good riddance (but somehow I feel the “join randoms occasionally to chill with friends” part is hugely downplayed)
This is exactly what your ilk is causing to the game, players just drop playing pvp, soon only premade vs. premade will remain in the “casual” random BG bracket, good job
Sorry for playing with my friends in a multiplayer game that encourages you to play with others, god forbid that I can play a casual mode, is not like I’m #1 EU top player, like, there have been many games where I’ve been defeated with my friends, nor like I’m the one causing a mass-deletion of players that unsubscribed because my desintigrates hits just too hard to even cause that much damage but honestly though, I feel like there is worse things than feeling intimidated or disrupted by a sync group and yet alone a 2-5 man grouped teams in a normal, casual game mode.
Ive had some ppl use that excuse in arguments to devalue certain opinions. x)
For alot of ppl, the disruption in epic BGs/normal bgs means alot to them. You can think lowly of it, but thats the reality in the end.
This kinda what ive been feeling since the start should have been the norm.
Its even such an easy system to implement if they really wanted to, or atleast try it out.
2man premade one side - 2man premade other side.
3man premade one side - 3man premade other side.
4man premade one side - 4man premade other side.
Etc etc etc. 5 5man groups currently in que for Alliance?
Then there has to be 5 5man groups in que for Horde aswell.
If only 2 5man horde ques up, only 2 5man alliance que will pop and rest have to wait.
Should even be able to add some form of upscaling ilvl to like 6-10ilvl lower than honor gear so ppl dont que up with 30-40ilvls lower.
Theres so many changes they can do or even try that its quite insane. Problem is how long it would take them to even implement them or if they are even interested in trying to fix problems with BGs.
Not really devaluing, I do agree it does stink to face a fully organized team and I’m in favour of mixing up the teams up (up to 5 man groups) and let the matchmaking set the games accordingly based on skills by implementing an unrated MMR, this will then tackle down queue sync of more than 10+ since they will likely compete against each other.
I feel that, even I get into lobbies and face against strong opponents several times in a row but as mention above, I’m in favour of mixing up the teams and make a more fluidic crossfaction queue experience to prevent an exagerated, one sided game because one team has a better comp and the others don’t.
Or allow queueing up 10, 15, or 40 depending on the map and let premades organize vs another premade, or let a solo player face vs pugs.
Mm, the unrated mmr would only really work if it puts those ppl in different epic bgs. But then it also has to be person by person.
1 rly high vs 1 rly high etc.
But then you also need to make it so you can never intentionally drop your unrated MMR by leaving etc. I kinda see it abit hard to balance but thats not rly our job in the end x_x
The thing is, I just want to see changes being made and tried instead of ignored.
The more people get ignored, the longer nothing is being done, the more frustrated ppl will be. Trying to calm it down by roughly saying “Just adapt and move on” wont rly work. All its doing is adding fuel to the fire… x)
While some things can be exaggerated to a certain point, we also know that when more ppl quit, sync and premades will be lifted up more to being an issue due to obvious reasons.
I fully believe people just want to see that blizz cares and are thinking about changes to do to make atleast epic bgs more balanced in terms of premades etc.
I personally dont mind premades with friends, I do have abit of a problem with communities who are made just to get 5man stacks done.
To me that equal to the people who had facebook with over 2000 friends even when they only knew maybe 2-5 of them.
But in all honesty, I kinda feel like the latest change they made, even if its “good” for alot of ppl, it just made the entire situation worse. (The auto-merc invite part.)
I was never on a pedestal and I am just stating my opinion, which is obvious to anyone.
Do you consider yourself to be polite, you hypocrite?
…especially after writing something like this.
I will queue random bgs with whatever group size I see fit whenever I feel like it.
You just wont see me and my small groups of 2-3 friends that often in random bgs.
You will be farmed by full 5-stacks of other players instead, LOL.
A system like this was tested in SoD and lead to an increase in queue times, after which it was reverted. Correct me if I’m mistaken.
If there is no 3 man group in the queue on the other team at this exact time, you just don’t get to play at all with your two friends?
Sounds great.
Why not keep everyone in the same queue and nerf larger groups instead?
That was the greatest change they’ve implemented since a long time for PvP. It made everything better and nothing worse.