Really struggling to choose Paladin or Shaman for pvp and pve

Hi everyone,

I did a lot of research about this subject but i am still struggling to choose which class to main. I have the two classes at lvl 60 and i did a bit of pvp ( lfg arena and bg ) and mythic+ with the two.

I mained Warrior since Wotlk to Bfa and want to change class to enjoy solo pvp ( i always did some random bg only, but now i have to do arenas to gear up for pvp in shadowlands ) and do some pve content ( mythic+, maybe raid later)

I am struggling so much between the two that i did everything ( covenant campaign, korthia campaign, and legendary farm ) twice with my characters and i start getting tired of that.

About the Paladin :

  • I enjoy the lore and holy/ret in pvp and pve

  • but i get bored quickly when questing/farming with only one dps spec

About Shaman :

  • I also enjoy the lore and all the specs in pvp and pve

  • I am afraid to be too squishy or having a big disadvantage with Shaman dps in pvp and being frustrated.

Thank you for helping me to finally choose a class.


In terms of PvP iā€™d say shaman. Top tier healers. Resto is better than Hpal overall

If you pref melee , again in PvP, Iā€™d say Ret might sway you. They are better than enhancement imho, less squishy, just as much utility if not more and way crazier burst on shorter CDs. I hate rets and theyā€™ve basically 100-0 me before

If you are considering elemental + enhancement. Ele can be very good. Perhaps check out some Youtube videos/Streamers and see how you feel about how they look like they play.

Hope this helps somewhat even if itā€™s a small amount

Good luck!

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Thanks a lot for your reply,

If i choose shaman i will play all the specs i think because i enjoy them.

Finally if i understand i have to choose which spec i want to dps with, caster ( shaman ) or melee ( ret )

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Try them both out seeing as you have both classes.
Play around with them for a couple of days and just think which felt more fun to play


Resto shaman is atm very good both in pvp and pve(raids).

In m+ however, holy pally can do alot of more dmg.


Enh is definitely not fit for purpose in PvP. At least from my very limited experience in SL, what little Iā€™ve seen didnā€™t exactly fill me with hope.

That said itā€™s an enjoyable spec in PvE despite its squishiness, which has the interesting feature of being far more fluid and fast paced the more mobs you hit in melee.

Ele feels impactful and should be in a better spot than enh in PvP so this may be worth a try.

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if you are more into Tanking/Healing then Paladin is best. Both tank and heal are super fun. If you are going to mostly play as damage dealer, shaman will offer more fun DPS and also a choice between melee and rangeā€¦ Retribution is boring (my opinion) and not funā€¦

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Big thanks everyone, with your answers I finally made a decision which is to main my paladin.

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I mean 2 classes ainā€™t too muchā€¦ just play both.

I cant commit to 1 class. Usually I will play a character, get all its PvP gear upgraded to 6+/9, then start a new one.


Play both. These classes are quintessence of Alliance and Horde fractions respectively.


I agree. Becomeā€¦ the Shaladin


Haha, i think i will still play my shaman as alt when i am tired of the paladin. Just the farm you have to do to become viable in this expansion push me to focus on one character first.

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