Realm change not working

Another Draenor refugee here trying to seek solace on another server, except I think the Jailer got me because even if I try to leave Draenor and log on to another server, I can’t.

Getting the server list keeps disconnecting me which in turn puts me always back into Draenor que. Very frustrating cycle, so I’m wondering here if I’m the only one jailed or is someone else suffering of this same cycle?

Don’t pay them money for something that is their fault in the first place, just wait it out and bombard Blizzard with posts in the meantime.


I have the exact same problem. I play horde on Draenor and I was thinking of maybe leveling an alliance toon somewhere else but it doesn’t even let me switch the damn realms anymore. Cmon blizzard wtf are you doing

if youre having problems with the auto-selecting of realms, go into your WTF folder. Open up and add the line SET disableAutoRealmSelect “1” . This will stop it from auto selecting a realm and will present you with the realm list.

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How exactly do I open

You can right click and “open with” notepad

Ok I did this but it’s not working. Still stuck on ‘Logging in to game server.’

I get in but still to Draenor, if I try to change realm I get disconnected, if I try to log into Draenor I get disconnected. So at the moment no option to play on a lower populated realm, basically just no option to play.

yeah happening to me too… Dunno what to do, it’s too much. I have 60 now on draenor, but i want to level my 55 warrior to 60 now on another server, but can’t even change realm. Blizzard needs to compensate for this big disaster, and not delivering a product we pay for

I finally was able to log into another realm just now for after trying for more than 40 minutes.

DO NOT pay for a realm transfer. Putting more money in Blazztivision’s pocket only rewards them for this travesty.

Continue to be vocal on the forums and highlight what a disaster this launch has been for the realms where THE MOST players are concentrated.

Do you really think they will give a cr*p about bad launches if they make $$$ from players throwing money at them in a hope to fix the issue? No. They will just continue to never address the root cause of these issues.

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I was considering doing a realm transfer but I changed my mind. I’m just gonna level an alliance toon instead untill they fix their potato servers.

i can’t even change realm, to play on my backup character on other server…

Same here, the change realm option disconnects you from game :frowning:

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