Realm Connections -- 5 August

Overall disappointing really, it’s a month that blizzard started with connections and only managed to merge 2 realms in EU across all regions: overall 1 failed english (twice), 2 successful german and 2 failed german (one twice), 2 failed russian (one twice), america did better with 4 successful connections.

If they continue with this average in eu we can expect to end up with 8 connections completed within early november, by which time expansion should be out, would be a disaster, doubt they’d keep connecting with the higher population in SL.

For reference, the amount of connections they need in EU overall is likely 40, so 5x as many as the average they’re keeping atm.

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well the connection they tried to do, was 5 servers, but they realy could have put 5 more in to it anywas, and have servers clusters of 10 or so, but then again when it doesnt seem to work at all 10 servers would most likely never work.

Yes, if we have to look at the connections they’re trying to do, they’re definitely on schedule, but I was kind of hoping in the week of they took to solve the problems they had actually solved something, while the situation seems not better than it was a month ago when they started.

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Merge still hasn’t happened, and blizzard hasn’t acknowledged it yet. A simple: “We’re still having problems with the realm merging.” Would suffice.

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… still not a word from blizzard, my ticket just received a terrible auto response that didn’t even address anything. Could we please get an update?

This is what they said when connections went wrong a few weeks ago, you can expect an answer similar to that, it’s not gonna make your day better, we KNOW there are problems, without blizzard stating the obvious:

Update 24/7: We are encountering some issues that are preventing us from performing the realm connections mentioned above for the time being. We will let you know when we have more information to share regarding their implementation. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Welp, maybe I’m just impatient. But I just feel like the fact they haven’t addressed it, or even said if they would attempt the merge again, shows that either they haven’t realized, or that they actually think it worked.
Yes customer support is terrible, but at least they should be able to tell me: Yes it didn’t work, but they do the opposite and in fact say that it DID work.
That’s why I want them to state the obvious, to clear any uncertainty.


Feelsbad,as i checked at morning 5 august connection lasted like 1-2 hours,because i saw someone on Arathor posted ores from Nagrand then in the middle of the day suddenly all of those sellers from new connected realms just gone and when you doing /who you only see Arathor/Hellfire as it was before without changes

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something realy wierd, considering there popped up a post like 4 hours ago, saying the connection is done lol.

Maybe someone who plays on these realms should post in the support forums about it, to clear the misunderstanding.

I don’t play on any of these so I have no reliable way of knowing if they are connected or not.

I don’t know why they would make a post saying they’re connected when they’re not, maybe some communication problem in the inside, so people expect connections to be done and announce that without knowing the person responsible for that failed?

@zealys, you’re right about this, it’s very weird they made that post.

Oh, here’s some news at last: they are connecting FIVE clusters of american realms on a special maintenance thursday, so hopefully some more european ones too in a few days.

Just as a basic idea of the population we’re talking about with these connections they’re doing:

The first set will be 24k + 57k on raider io, which I consider the most reliable site for population atm, total is 81k, this basically means combining a low with a medium pop and getting a high, bit higher than quel’thalas and aegwynn EU taken separately are.

The 2nd set will be 22k + 33k for a total of 55k, so 2 low pop clusters becoming medium (give or take some population fluctuations).

The 3rd set will be 23k and 43k, for a total of 66k, so low and medium making up one of the smallest high pop realms, very similar to quel’thalas and aegwynn EU.

The 4th set will be 47k and 38k, total of 85k, so 2 mediums making plenty for an high pop.

The 5th set will be 21k and 101k, so a low and a high pop being combined into a little bigger high pop of 122k, this is the most interesting of the 5 connections and it’s comparable to thrall EU, one of the biggest german horde realms, that fluctuates between high and full, and slightly smaller than ragnaros EU, a full horde english realm.

Here’s hoping the next set will be executed properly, cause we’ve got (as EU) very few actual connections so far, only 2, and both were german.

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I did post in customer support about it, no idea if that was the right place or not, but atleast I did it.

In case no one has mentioned it they keep an updated list in this topic of any new connections. It’s a pinned post.

I hope they manage to resolve any issues you are having.

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So have any EU connections been successful? I know the Nagrand/arathor one doesn’t work.



Aman’thul was connected to Nazjatar on July 8th, Gilneas was connected to Nefarian on August 5th.

All other ones have so far not materialized though.

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In case people didn’t see the new upcoming realm connections I’m posting here too:

Those are the English connections.

They’re doing two low with high cluster connections.

Sees Aggra server… Mm’yeah ‘English’ :stuck_out_tongue:
Not a fate I wish upon my old server (Frostmane).

Some of these connections are a joke and show once again how little Blizzard cares. Some of these realms are unofficially not English. There’s no English written in the official chat channels. Like Grim Batol and Aggra are not English while Frostmane is.

Same thing with Burning Legion. Burning Legion is like a Polish realm - the other three are English.


Yup, it really baffles me how they picked these. It truly looks like they didn’t care about the end state of these realms.

I mean for crying out loud… put some better effort into the Euro side. Or do we need to feel as 2nd rate customers again.