Oh, here’s some news at last: they are connecting FIVE clusters of american realms on a special maintenance thursday, so hopefully some more european ones too in a few days.
Just as a basic idea of the population we’re talking about with these connections they’re doing:
The first set will be 24k + 57k on raider io, which I consider the most reliable site for population atm, total is 81k, this basically means combining a low with a medium pop and getting a high, bit higher than quel’thalas and aegwynn EU taken separately are.
The 2nd set will be 22k + 33k for a total of 55k, so 2 low pop clusters becoming medium (give or take some population fluctuations).
The 3rd set will be 23k and 43k, for a total of 66k, so low and medium making up one of the smallest high pop realms, very similar to quel’thalas and aegwynn EU.
The 4th set will be 47k and 38k, total of 85k, so 2 mediums making plenty for an high pop.
The 5th set will be 21k and 101k, so a low and a high pop being combined into a little bigger high pop of 122k, this is the most interesting of the 5 connections and it’s comparable to thrall EU, one of the biggest german horde realms, that fluctuates between high and full, and slightly smaller than ragnaros EU, a full horde english realm.
Here’s hoping the next set will be executed properly, cause we’ve got (as EU) very few actual connections so far, only 2, and both were german.