Realm Prospects - Worth it?

Evening All,

Hope all is well on here!
We are currently looking to move realms with our extremely small 9/9HC raid team to give us a larger pool of players to interact with and recruit into our numbers to form a solid mythic raiding team.

I see a lot of Doomhammer / Turalyon players around - what are the prospects of the realm for a team like us?

We raid 2/3 nights a week “late night” (2130 onward) and are in need of around 8 good, experienced players to solidify our active 20 raid team. Is Outland a good fit for us?

A very vague and open question i know, but i’m hoping it’ll spark various opinions and give us a good flavour and understanding from you all.

Appricate your comments, opinions, feedback etc!

Many Thanks
OmgPwnt / Nytex

Hi there

The realm appears to be pretty saturated with horde, and i say that purely because of the 10% pvp buff we get.

A lot of the players are returning or are pretty new but so far it’s been fine to play on albeit a lot of the players appear to be in guilds so there’s not a massive amount of unguilded players.

I’m also recruiting but not for 9/9HC so i don’t think we are competing, but hope that titbit helps you out about the server.


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