Rearranging and Removing Portals

Which place sees the most player traffic:

Stormwind or Shrine of Seven Stars?
Stormwind, right?

Which of these places sees the most player traffic:

Boralus or Shrine of Seven Stars?
Boralus, right?

As a player, are you more likely to interact (directly or indirectly) with other players in areas with lots of other players or areas with few other players?
The areas with lots of other players, right?

I play with my friends, I don’t need Blizzard to lead me to heavy traffic to find people when they keep me from doing stuff with the people I want to play with most of the time.
When I play with my friends even though we’re on the same realm and we log at same time, we can’t see each other unless we’re grouped up, because of sharding. When one of us says “have you seen this or that” and most of us can’t because we’re not on the same server, on the same realm, but not the same server, we have to wait and be grouped up to see the same things. Sad isn’t it, imagine that IRL.
And then Blizzard wants the most people in one place when they can’t keep servers from lagging any time there are more then 20 at the same place, this is just plain laughable. Imagine the state of SW when everyone will be stacked to same the exact same portals.
Yeah that’s world full of life as we all dreamt of :roll_eyes:
Instead of stacking us in Stormwind, they should have spread the faction War around the world. make WQ all over the place, that would have given us reason to travel. Real one.

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It’s not about friends, it’s about reinforcing the sense of playing an MMORPG.

Whenever you go to Stormwind, then you’ll see people offering items for sale in trade chat, putting up items on the Auction House, depositing things into their bank, showing off their cool mounts, spamming [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] in chat, begging for gold, recruiting new guild members, and so on.

There’s a buzz. And that buzz is very unique to MMORPGs and Blizzard wants to emphasize it. The way they do that is by directing more player traffic to Stormwind. They placed the recent Embassy there. They placed the Barber Shop there. The Ethereals. The Cataclysm portals. And they’ll place the new Portal Room there. That all helps ensure that players will often visit Stormwind for one reason or another.

By contrast, if you go to Dalaran, then you don’t really experience that same buzz. It just isn’t a place of high player traffic anymore, because Legion content has become old and outdated.

Blizzard wants to direct players toward the places where all the other players are. It’s an MMORPG after all.

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Yeah you pinned it right there.
See I play on Argent Dawn, and it is the biggest RP realm on EU.
Normally RP realm aren’t shard, right, only they ARE. The only places that are not sharded are Capitals Cities: Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
So basically they already are the two only places where there are the most people to see for me.

When I wait for the raid in Boralus, I’m at the gate and wait to be grouped up with my guild mates, and most of the time I can’t see them. I see one or two at most, but not the rest of them. Although we’er all here waiting, but we are SHARDED.
So instead of being able to interact with each other while waiting, and despite we’re on the same guild, same realm, we can’t even see each other, so obviously no interactions.
And suddenly we’re all grouped up and we can see each other \o/ that’s teh magic of sharding.

Yeah Dalaran will be outdated all right. dead as the rest of the world.
Where the World of Warcraft has gone?
it’s World of End game content.
GG Blizzard.

Edit: I forgot to mention how Blizzard keeps on dividing the community : first there was alliance vs Horde, that made people divided in two capitals cities, now add to that Warmode vs not … and on top of that sharding.
Yeah the world does feel empty.

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Well there are both pros and cons to sharding. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that Blizzard wants to divert player traffic to the main faction cities and the current expansion cities. So that’s what they do. The portal changes are a means to that end.

But this has always been WoW’s formula. It’s a theme park design, not a sandbox design.

Whenever a new expansion comes out, then all the new zones, dungeons and raids replace all the old zones, dungeons and raids of the previous expansion.

There are other MMORPGs who opt for the sandbox design where all content is current content, regardless of when it was implemented. But that just isn’t the design formula for WoW. Never has been.

But they say they removed portals to feel the world still alive… the world. Not Stormwind.

ps: th 50% of chat in capitals is about selling boosts. Not a positive buzz, i would say

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“It’s the way it’s always been” has never been an excuse for anything.
They should improve the game.
What they are doing doesn’t improve anything, it’s going against the community and it’s not bringing anything to the game, at all.


Placing the Portal Room in Stormwind directs player traffic to Stormwind.

Removing certain portals - like the one to Karazhan - increases the player traffic to Karazhan (i.e. the world feels more alive).

One does not exclude the other.

In a thread with 389 replies that’s a very simple-minded conclusion to reach, I would say.

Always so subtle, when the insult replaces the argument.

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I have to concur that Shrine is mostly very empty. Boralus/SW and Dazar’alor/Org are always busy.

You are not alone. Whilst I do understand the upset I think those of us that don’t feel this is going to be a terrible change or aren’t bothered are less likely to speak up in this thread.

Well if it won’t affect you there is nothing you have to step up against (not meaning it in a bad way).
Although when I hear people saying “it won’t affect me” I would reply “good for you”, but in regards of those that would affect you could show a little compassion.

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I can acknowledge that other people feel different from me on this subject, and that they have legitimate concerns and issues, and that there are negative side-effects of these portal changes.

I don’t have to agree with it, but I can recognize and understand their point of view. If someone says that they don’t like these portal changes, then that’s true for them.

On the flipside, one should also be able to acknowledge that Blizzard has legitimate and sensible reasons for implementing these portal changes, and that there are positive side-effects to them. And that some people do actually look forward to the changes and are happy about them.

Taking the position of only seeing your own point of view as true and everything else as a falsehood is a very unintelligent position to take, in my opinion.

I think it’s good to have both sides represented in these kinds of discussions. It happens in most discussions on the forums.

I will still go and farm things I want to farm even without the portals we have now. So it’s not so much that I wont be affected. I just don’t see it as the end of the world.

If they were to try and take flying away again I’d be all over that but you’d still have people for the removal of flying or people that just don’t care. I don’t feel the need to get nasty with people because they don’t share my point of view.

While this is true in some part, it’s only the reason for a portal room there, and also, the definitive death of all the other major cities. Why go to ironforge when everything is in stormwind?
They want the world to feel larger, yet they’re building a hub that render useless go in the rest of the world. Smart move.

Nice Joke. They just want to increase playtime artificially. Everyone who has played longer than 10 minutes know this.
Purging portal is just going to slow down player travelling around. Travels that are all going to be done via flying or flying path because we’re talking old content zones, so there will be no interaction between players, except when you reach your target zone, a world quest spawn in legion, or a dungeon entrance to farm something. And you will have anyway this interaction with portals because is at the end of the journey.

There is no benefit whatsoever in purgin the portal, under no circumstances.


I agree that it is good that everyone get to say what their opinions are.
But while Jito is actively defending Blizzard position (and it’s their right), I don’t see the point of saying “it won’t affect me”. Which mean either way is fine, and you will probably also have ways to go around it.
I don’t see what it adds to the discussion, since it is not a point of view.

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To be fair he gets asked why this that and the other and he answers. I don’t always agree with Jito’s views on things but he doesn’t shy away from any discussion.

You’re mixing things up.
Blizzard wants to direct player traffic to the main faction cities and the current expansion cities. Those places are meant to be your centers of operation, so to speak.

Beyond that they want the world to feel more alive. That’s a vague statement and you can apply whatever meaning you want to it. For me it means that the journey out into the world gets slightly more emphasized.

Instead of taking a portal to the doorsteps of Karazhan, you may now have to travel through Deadwind Pass to get there, which adds a sense of journey and adventure to the experinece. It helps set the mood. It feels more as if Karazhan is a place in the word - set in this lifeless and gloomy place - and not just some instance that you portal to once a week - indifferent to its place in the world.

I get what you mean with this, but i think it works only on current content, not retro stuff where you have been taking that route on old days and now you are just going in to smash some stuff in hopes for a pony. I believe people who complain about this change are not going there as to get a feel of adventure and making trip to take longer wont be adding anything positive to their game. There is no one way to look at this, everyone got their own angle how they feel.

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Stormwind already is the biggest hub: there is the auction house, most of main questlines, the Outland, Cata, MoP, Dalaran and Boralus portals, the professions trainers, the brawler’s guide, 3/4 of the world events (Darkmoon, Pilgrim, Hallow’s End…) etc.

What’s even the point in having other cities? The more they move everything to Stormwind, the emptier the world feels. Having a CoT portal in old Dalaran makes this magical place feels useful. Having portals in the Shrine gives you a extra choice, especially for those who prefer non-crowded places.

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