Rearranging and Removing Portals

How so?

Let’s recap.

You’re saying that Blizzard’s goal is to discourage players from doing old content.

But that seems entirely untrue considering the fact that Blizzard have added Battle Pets to old instances, updated several old zones, and continued to broaden the Timewalking feature.

All that serves to encourage players to re-do the old content, not discourage them from it.

I think they would rather re-do the zone if they could. But re-doing an entire zone - let alone all the zones - is not a simple task.

But the fact that you’ve seen Tanaris before doesn’t mean you should be able to avoid its existence entirely whenever you want to get to Caverns of Time.

No, you’re free to do whatever you want.
But obviously when the current expansion is called Battle for Azeroth, then the gameplay focus will revolve around Kul Tiras and Zandalar and not Outland or Northrend. That goes without saying. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that if you want to play around in Outland or Northrend, then you can just go and do that.

i think they just want to simplify everything: before in Gadgetzan there used to be the neutral AH. They removed it, Now all AH are mixed up, alliance and horde together.
Before I used to go to gadgetzan to find special stuff I wouldn’t find on regular AH, there was a reason to get there, but they removed it. It was a flavor in the game, in the whole Alliance vs Horde thing, but they removed it.
So no, don’t come and tell me they remove the portal of CoT for me to admire the beautiful landscape, when they remove everything that would have make those zones alive.

Obviously not. Otherwise they would keep the portals up and I’ll be able to do what I want as I used to. But they are definitively preventing that.

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Ok you are trolling.

“Defending” Blizz is commendable because in fact a solid 50% of the moaning here is totally out of scope and useless.

But This persistent try to stare to others from above (as you stated in a thread, unsure if is this or another one but who cares) writing random things, makes your statements useless and futile, even i dont think you care at all.

And is a pity because you use to be really clever in comparison of the average poster.

I think Jito is training for their debate class.
Or they are maybe they are Blizzard’s next AI, they configure to replace MVP and CM on forums :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, tomorrow you definitely won’t be able to move anywhere outside of Kul Tiras, Zandalar and Stormwind. Totally… :roll_eyes:

The lengths you’re going to in order to place these portal changes in a bad light are impressive, albeit rather ridiculous as well.

No, I refuted what you said. You may not like my answer, but that doesn’t mean it’s trolling.

You can’t expect to just write random crap like it being Blizzard’s evil masterplan to discourage players from doing old content and not expect that to be challenged. Like, c’mon. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Or maybe, they’re doing this because adding a pet to an old dungeon or scaling back players to reuse old instances is much much cheaper than create brand new content.

If the goal was really increase interest and movement in the old zones, why make getting there more difficult and annoying?


What else is this but discouraging people from doing old content?
Do you really believe we need to see all of those zone for the 100th time and still be happy with it?
Once more what will it bring to my gameplay after the 4th week that I fly from Uldum to CoT?
I, like you, I wanted to enjoy the sand and wind in Tanaris, I don’t need Blizzard to show me the way, I know where it is and I can go where when I want.

Why with the portal room Blizzard didn’t come instead with a random portal of the month.
Each month a new “old” zone to go to and remember what it looks like, that would help people going around the world.
With Blizzard’s logic, planes nowadays, would have make that people travel less around the world, when there are never been more tourism everywhere because, they can go there conveniently.
Yeah thats’ how it works.

Also I note that you didn’t reply about Blizzard removing the neutral Ah from gadgetzan.

Using tirisfal glades and blight as an example to “revamping” old world is trolling.


Or maybe they do both? You know, making new content like Allied Races and War Campaign quests and so on, and smaller systems features like new Timewalking dungeons, and small gameplay additions like new Battle Pets.

You know, as if they are able to work on many different things of varied size, scope and impact.

The answer to that is in the giant blue post that started this thread.

Incurring a sense of journey and travel in an open world to foster an experience of adventure in what’s essentially an RPG game experience.

It seemed like a seperate topic that was rather detatched from the portal changes, so I didn’t feel like it warranted a reply.

Report me for trolling then if you’re so certain in your petty accusation.

reported 1 h ago

That’s not an answer. That is a crappy justification as much as the the tweet i saw today from Trump to justify calling tim cook “tim apple”.


Good, then leave it to the moderators to deal with.
Constantly calling others trolls constitutes ongoing harassment, and that is a violation of the Code of Conduct. So for the future, just report someone if you think their post(s) violate the Code of Conduct - don’t publically judge them. That’s harassment.

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Spot on!

T&E nailed it in that intro.

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The answer seems to clarify Blizzard’s reasoning in detail and at length. Besides it obviously not being the answer you wanted to hear, I fail to understand what the issue is. I mean, it’s straight from the horse’s mouth.

Except you, it’s the answer no one wanted, because it’s not an answer but a justification.
The same my mom used on me a billion times growing up, “because we say so”.

A proper answer will explain why they’re sticking with this plan after several thousand negative feedback from players.

A proper answer will explain why they choose new landing zones for the new portals which are all but confortable, like legion portal dropping you to azsuna (in a spot without a direct fp) instead of suramar, which was the more logic choice being in the center of the zone.

A proper answer will explain why there are still no solution for alliance for northern ek, even if they say “they processed a lot of feedback”.

So please, don’t transform a crappy justification into an answer just because suits your gameplay style.


it’s not, it’s about everything Blizzard is removing to make the world irrelevant.
The more they remove, the less there are justification for portals, they feel they can freely remove.
Keep the world alive, keep the portals up.

I was thinkin. Ages ago i read somethin about silvermoon as a warfront. maybe this lack of alliance in northern EK will be filled in this way.

But that is what the blue post does:

It couldn’t be more of a “proper answer” by your definition than that.

But those are self-explanatory. You don’t need to be a Senior Game Designer to figure out that having a Portal Room with two portals next to each other both called Dalaran is confusing. So the work-around there is obviously to choose another destination for one of them.
So why Azuna and not Suramar? Because Suramar is a zone you discover organically through a story experience, not one your character is meant to have immidiate access to by default. Azuna presents less of a story conflict in that regard.

Probably because it is not an immidiate concern, if a concern at all.

That’s a vey poor excuse.
Mages have 2, no 3 Dalaran portals. Does that make mages superiors beings compared to the rest of WoW community who is too stupid to figure out portals?
Don’t you think players are able to learnt hey way with portals?
That is just plain insulting from Blizzard.
Almost as insulting as the pvp vendor thing.