What would make them think? A flash mob type of experiment. If few hundred thousands of us cancelled the sub at the same time the finance director of Blizzard would rip the dev’s heads off and make them stop doing idiotic changes… One can only dream…
Some were also sold in Wintergrasp and some where only available via guild levels and guild reputation (so purchsed in SW at guild place), if i remember right.
“lots of swearing on how completly idiotic and thoughtless this change is.” another idiotic change to old stuff in bfa that is basically an removal of players ability to choose to do things a certain way that they have done for years.
The world is literally Zandalar, Kul’tiras and Orgrimmar… Oh and for some reason I sometimes have to speak with a glowing dwarf in Silithus.
I In the end i concluded they are doin this kind of changes cause the ppl will avoid “old zones” at all so they can avoid to develop’em further. Focusin just on the “new” content.
A shame imho.
This into is really how it feels though.
How do you square that conclusion with the fact that they’re also adding new Battle Pets - and a Raiding With Leashes achievement - to Mists of Pandaria raids?
Battle Pets and Raidin with leashes. Repeat with me Battle Pets and Raidin with leashes
Ok ill reword
In the end i concluded they are doin this kind of changes cause the ppl will avoid “old zones” at all so they can avoid to develop’em further except adding here and there some battle pets and related achievements.
This is not my idea of “feel the old content”. If you consider this a way to live pandaria more often im happy for you.
But im not.
If pet battles are all their developing skills i’ll be worried
Thanks feidreva. I wasnt sure how to spell my thinking.
Timewalking: Warlords of Draenor.
Adding to that, instances aren’t the open world.
We are still running old instances, that’s why we’re using the portals for.
How ever we don’t fly over the old content, but it is not where the battle pets are added, and thus make it even more incoherent to remove portals.
Again Instances, not open world.
And then no need of portals since you’re directly ported to dungeon with LFG.
ok. we are comin from 2 different ideas: i wanna feel the OPEN world. Where im supposed to fly. I would be happy if they revamp the old world but this would means ax expac just focused on this like cata. And cata wasnt a success…
Silithus. Arathi Highlands. Darkshore. Tirisfal Glades.
Yes this is what i mean. But they cant add a porta fore every revamp zone
they added portals for the 3 of those.
What’s new in Tirisfal Glades though?
Yes. And?
The blight?
here you are trolling
Well when then revamp for end content they add portals to make it more convenient.
When the world is “dead” and nothing to do there, they rather have us flying instead of redoing the zone.
So according to Blizzard we should only focus on the last expansion and ignore the rest of the zones.
That makes it very linear, and one zone is alive at a time, which makes it also very small (instead of what they intended do) and also pretty boring.