he cant brag of anything as he is 2 season challenger exp from sl and 0xp through dragonflight
for some odd reason these ppl still think shuffle ratings can be used in same sentence with arena ratings tho, i dont rly understand that but i keep educate them on the mistake
I agree with you but that druid is literal noob
you cant really call anyone noob with this, you are literally what people call zero exp. somehow you dont seem to understand that
there is a reason why you couldnt get past challenger in arenas in shadowlands and it is because you are perhaps the worst player on this forum when it comes to arena, that is the truth and it is the same reason why you are not past challenger now either
anything else you keep calling yourself or others alot better than you is simply nothing but your delusions
Don’t get me wrong but I’m only back to back elite player here with actually rating and title.
You don’t have anything to show except thousands of lost rounds.
I even have screenshots of you rage quiting with 0-5 score can’t post it no trust lvl.
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still making zero sense i see, factual on other hand still is that you have no exp in arena so you could stop talking or derailing this post related bots any time now
im trying to picture what kind of individual is not able to understand this much or the time and place, the image i get is not flattering
Go get some rating and come to speak something.
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im already higher than you with better record, you go catch me up before you come trash talk my arenas which you have zero for the season
I see You can’t even upgrade gear to max lvl
Wow, you seem to have fallen victim to the Solo Shuffle ego plague !
Actual Combattant before Solo Shuffle, not even 2500 peak in the inflated moments of Solo Shuffle, I think the very least you could do would be to talk like a normal human being to other players instead of trying to make yourself look superior when you’re nothing special yourself.
Get down to earth a liiiiittle bit.
his tried the same since s1, its like broken record going around on forum saying the same “im elite player” when the person is actually 2 season of challenger in sl and zero in df
i mean i have elite from shuffle aswell but i dont count it as it doesnt mean that im elite in arenas, shuffle is just something to kill time it shouldnt rise to anyones head like this
i just see this guy as a joke by now, like the one guy in village who is not quite right
Guy is literal noob and he’s angry on everyone around spitting on players,developers,solo shuffle and everything.
If I’m 1.8 after 6months of non stop shuffle playing I would ask my self who is bad game system or me.
Guys can you stop derailing my thread? This is about cheating. I think it’s undeniable that there are lots of cheaters, and way more than in other online games. The problem is not that I can’t handle losing. My issue is that I don’t know if I played badly for my elo, or if my opponent was cheating. It’s also about integrity. I stopped playing pvp, because of that, and I won’t get into pvp again until blizzard has a reliable anti cheat system.
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You probably never played cod,warface,roe,PUBG compared to them this game is clean asf from cheaters
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you still calling others noob even when youre multiple times shown now to have zero exp nor rating in the current expansions arena is starting to become pretty cringe
you keep talking of shuffle ratings which others see as bracket to get mogs which end on 1.8 or people just play to pass time but nobody takes it seriously when it comes to skill or achievements, especially people like you who just have nothing outside of shuffles ever achieved so basically you are entry level for any arena setting and would have to start right from the bottom with the other similarly less experienced people as anything else would be boost
im 1.8 in shuffle because that is what was needed for the mogs very simple
im 2.2 on rsham with 62% in arenas tho and were similarly 2.1 with 70% on rdruid aswell also in arena
and now before you get confused arena and shuffle are two separate things and you need to get your facts right if you wish to call others something or talk down at them as atleast you should know what you are talking about before you open your mouth and make a fool of yourself like you have been doing since season 1 calling yourself as “elite player” with zero arena played or done ever in your life lol
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Yea yea you had to play 3k rounds to get mog keep lying around
What’s the difference?
Only more dampening and you are on you own no carry that’s all
why do you keep lying on matters that is easily checked by anyone, is this your level of iq and argumenting
thing is, i can look you and i see person who has 2 seasons of challenger in sl and 0 arenas played in current expansion and then youre calling other people noobs who are currently 2.2 in arenas with positive records which you dont share even in the shuffles you keep bring up that are still not relevant for arena exp btw
maybe you should hide your embarassing mains and only link the achievement to some lvl 10 alt which you post on forum so now people wouldnt know where you have these ratings you have only got from playing shuffles which still are irrelevant to anything lol
You are world recorder for most shuffle rounds played and you still suck.
And hey I had account with multiple glads but I don’t have it anymore let’s say I bought nice car for that account.
On this one I barely even played shadowlands few matches without gear.
Most of my time I’m on warmane wotlk lordareon server.
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nobody believes that, what is factual is that you are someone who only played shuffle in df and it got to your head, now you been going around since s1 telling people you being “elite player” literally into every topic i see
and in sl you were challenger max for 2 seasons because this is your limit, you should stop calling yourself “elite player” btw when you have zero outside of shuffles, its cringe
You are 500rating below me and I don’t play from July.