Reasons to Return to Nazjatar/Mechagon

Hi all,

I’ve just dinged revered with Ankoan and am about to do the same for Rustbolt, as the last bits of Pathfinder for flying. I’m not massively keen on either zone and just wondering if there is anything i should bother going back for after i’ve done the reps?

For background, i’m not a hardcore raider - I usually run LFR a few times just to see the content and maybe grab some loot, so grinding pearls for benthic upgrades doesn’t seem like it’s much use to me. I’ve got the mechanocat and the spider mounts from Mechagon too.

Help me out here guys, is there something that I should be going back for or is it worth just waiting for 8.3 and focusing on my alts/transmog runs for the time being?

Not a troll post I swear, I just can’t seem to see anything on Wowhead about the zones that make me want to go back, but wonder if i’ve missed something as I see plenty of people that have flying, whizzing around those zones every day…

Probably the benthic gear and or metaachievements from those zones.

  • Benthic gear & Mechagon rings/trinks
  • Couple of mounts
  • Couple of pets
  • Zone achievements
  • Couple of Essences with rep - check to see if you want them
  • Alchemy and Cooking profession recipes

If you don’t need any of that, then thank your lucky stars that you are free, and never need to look at them again!


I think that the only thing in there would be essences but as I’m not pushing content and have no interest in things like waiting for the ideal Benthic (I upgraded the first pieces I got…), I think I’ll count myself lucky that the chores are over!

Time to get my pally to 120 with flying and maybe get some more transmog. Since when did the game become enforced to-do lists?

Like with every zone ever created in history of WoW: you go there if you want something from it.

Incidentally, if you’ve done your rep purgatory for flying amd had enough of BfA zones, you can level in 20-60 zones by Party Syncing with yourself on a second, free, account.

Essences, professions recipes, mats for current content professions recipes, achievements and mounts ?

And, if the shard gods align, some good wpvp

U done in mecha and nazjatar when u got all the stuff from it, pets mounts achivs, then u can leave it.

I unlocked the fly and never went back expect in Nazjatar to help friends by transporting them or lately purchased benthic gear for my alt.

No reason to go back to this god awful place

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I do the world boss in Nazjatar each week
and I’m grinding out the daily each day for the 850 rep to unlock mechagnomes

thats it

if you get exalted with mechagnomes you get the recipe for Blingtron 7000.
if your into blingtrons that is

I would love to do that but have only done it a couple of times. No-one on my realm does it and it so rarely appears on LFG

really? i get it for LFG every time I try. and I’ve got about 25 lvl 120’s!

start your own LFG, it’ll fill up very quickly, especially on a wednesday!

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