[Rebirth] Hc Raiding Guild Recruiting DPS

Hey Everyone!

We are currently recruiting skilled DPS that has HC raiding experience of the current content:

  • Mage
  • Shaman
  • Warlock

We are very friendly and raiding in a non-stressed manner, but also serious while doing so.
Our raiding schedule:
Wed & Sun 20:00 - 23:00
Mondays are dedicated to a normal run for alts and socials.


Discord: lex_sm
Bnet: Ohana#2149
Ingame name: Explorhits

Socials are more than welcome to join us as well :smiley:

Hi. Iโ€™m interested in joining. Iโ€™m fairly experienced in hc-raiding (since legion) and a tad in mythic-raiding (shadowlands). Main is gonna be an elemental-shaman. With a havoc-dh very close to being main. Thereโ€™s some decent(ish) logs on my DH, but none on sham atm. I run m+ regularly, more for progress then anything else, and looking for likeminded ppl :slight_smile:

BNET: Nyotaa#21983
Sham: Nyotiss
DH: Nyots

Just stumbled upon our thread to say hi :slight_smile: This guild is great.

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