Recent Actions Against Exploitative Accounts -- June 2023

To provide more transparency on the actions that get taken against exploitative accounts, here is a breakdown on the number of actions that were taken over the last month, June 2023:

Total Exploitative WoW Account Actions Last Month: 127014

All of these actions are for cheating or exploitation which are primarily permanent bans or 6-month suspensions. This number does not include separate actions like character name or in-game language violations. We continue to evolve our methods and act against these malicious accounts on a daily basis.

Thank you!

-The WoW Classic Team


Many bots in classic era in strat, DM, mara, they farming almost 2 months with the same nicknames and still unbanned.

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What about the players abusing the ingame report system and massreporting people resulting in people getting their account suspended?

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Still there are issues with toxic ppl ingame who abuse the report system like there is no tomorrow gj tho… One of many battles has been won but war is far far FAR from over.


I do notice they don’t say where the bots were banned from. I don’t think that will be a breakdown we will ever see.

And don’t forget this is a worldwide number, not an EU number.

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I think this is a report on account locks from China :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

The funny thing is that WoWhead is claiming this is Wrath Classic only… for some reason. Wishful thinking on their part?

They also don’t say for how long the bots have been making money before they were banned.

Thanks for the work, keep going!

good news.

You want this to stop for the most part ? Make GDKP runs a suspendable offense.

People wont have a reason to buy gold, the bots will stop farming.

As it stands now people are buying big items for over 1000 Euros on launch week. Not to mention that its almost impossible to start as a new player now if you don’t buy a ton of gold.

Assuming classic lasts a few more xpacs, we will hit inflation rates that are seen on retail at this moment.

Exactly. Although I have to admit that it’s better than nothing.

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I honestly can’t look at that number and take it seriously. Either you’re lying, which is a big charge for which I have no evidence but feels likely, or your strategy is ineffective, and we all agree on that. Even you.

Stop just banning the bots and start banning the buyers. Their accounts have value. It mayters, this does not matter. No buyers, no sellers, no bots. And stop inviting hackers to top ranking events in tournaments etc.

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I don’t think there’s so many bots you missed. Every BG I play has at least 2 on average.

Also this topic, needs more attention, rising amount of cheaters in PvP… More videos going out daily for peoples promoting it or getting exposed for doing it.

If they only ban 127k a month then yes, a lot of bots will stay unbanned

Translate: £1.3 million revenue as they all instantly buy another account because you were too slow.

People employed to ban the obvious bots in real-time: 0

Yeah it’s worldwide

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