Latest nerf Blizz hit DK with made the class absolutely unplayable in arena. I get that heal DK was getting from death strike was unreasonable few weeks ago, but why would not blizzard just deal with the bug which caused that, which in fact was present in the game since like what? BFA? Why instead of fixing bug present in the game for years it just feels like someone has a randomizer nerf button which basically nerfed the whole sustain DK had to the ground. DK at its current state is less sustainable than Rogue, how does that make any sense? DK at its current state while being least sustainable melee class is also least mobile melee class. So DK are basically supposed to kite other melees in arena, but they don’t have a realistic chance to do that effectively cuz any other melee class is 2X as mobile as DK is? I ve done arena yday, and after getting down to 10% hp after dh bursts i heal for 5k with my deathstrikes. What’s even the point of this spell if Fury/DH heals 20X that amount passively. So what do we have left? We have less tunnel dmg than any other melee class in the game, our Burst is easily countered and is not even as strong as monk’s, dh’s burst. We only have cleave option which is impossible to set up properly since u’re getting tunneled to death during your burst-cleave being on cd since you have literally 0 sustain against physical dmg. So basically thanks to that nerf we have another year of DKs being D-tier in arena. I mean hello, what’s wrong with balancing team, DK s been least represented class in 2200+ for like 5-6 years straight now. Why do we have to get another year of that fiesta. Just fix the bug which caused that in the first place, you don’t need to make DK least sustainable class in the game, it’s impossible to survive bursts as DK even with heal on you. Take literally any other class in the game and that class will at the very least have 1 “magic button” which allows you to survive any kind of bursts by any kind of class. What’s the idea of there being that one class in the game without that button? The best we have is Icebound Fortitude? And we now also heal less than Rogues do? About 10X less than Fury war and 20X less than DH? We also deal a lot less dmg than Fury or DH?
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