Recently returned, leveling 1 to 120, my biggest disappointment so far

As someone who skipped the Legion expansion because of reasons, I’m finally getting to play through it now and having a lot of fun. I was really looking forward to messing around with the artifact weapons that I had heard so much about while I was away. But the fact that they are ‘switched off’ is by far my biggest disappointment of my 1 to 120 journey as a returning player.

I understand Bliz wants players to rush to the content in the latest expansion, but would it break the game if we could use those weapons normally until level 110 and then disable them for 110 to 120 if you must.


Its not possible because many of the Actives and Passives are baked into your character now.

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I think they could’ve handled it better. I mean they could’ve created an entire list of talents based around artifact talents (the golden dragon artifact traits I mean) and make the artifact ability an ability you learn at level 110. Or just make the artifact ability aswell as the golden dragon traits, active around 110-120.

My biggest gripe with levelling, isn’t really the journey itself rather the lack of progression as you reach higher levels. You run out of abilities by level 80 and out of talents at level 100.

So essentially for 40 levels you literally gain nothing as you level up other than levelling up. Azerite traits and essences aside (as those are more for when you’re max level really). That just adds up to a lack of excitement and enjoyment about levelling up. By the time you reach level 120 you’re more disappointed than excited really.


I think it’s because some of the abilities became part of the actual character when the classes were updated for BFA so the artifices became defunct, you would essentially have some abilities twice.

It does seem daft that the artefacts are now worthless when you are levelling a new character and I’m sure there could have been a more creative way to alter them but blizzard seem to buy into the “all ex expansions are unimportant once the the new shiny is released so why bother”

The current armour we have will be the same by next summer (or autumn if rumours are true) and the next expansion is released so anyone who plays BFA late will have worthless azerite pieces because all that will matter is whatever has replaced it.

It’s unfortunate side effect of this throw away culture we have in wow nowadays. I feel sad that part of Legion is gone every time i level alt through it and it must feel even worse for someone who is doing it first time now. :neutral_face:

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Exactly this. Everything gets thrown away and it makes no sense. Why not keep it and carry it onward to future adventures.

Well the answer is simple: it costs time = money to balance the classes around them.

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Yup. And this also devalues most of the rewards, because you are not gaining them as permanent extra for your character/account but just as temporarily usable thing.

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Exactly, instead of working and improving upon what we had, they just throw most of it away for a new design, and that’s been a thing almost every other expansion. Changing stuff for the sake of change isn’t always a good thing, and doesn’t always work. The worst thing is they mostly just take more stuff each expansion and add fewer stuff to replace them. Like we’ve lost so many class abilities and we only gained a small handful of them. I admit some were just buttons to spam but they made the class more diverse, and interesting.

Take a look at the class rotations for example and compare MoP warlock for BFA warlock. You can say that about every current class atm (minus dh obviously).


Thanks for the replies! Seeing as the artifact stuff was baked into the characters it’s understandable that they had to change how the weapons work (or in this case, simply disable them) It’s sad they took this approach though, not everyone rushes to end game, there’s still a ton of fun to be had from 1 to 110 via questing and exploring zones and doing things like upgrading the garrison and order halls. It must be a strange thing to hear for players that have been around since day 1 and maybe have done all these things 20 times on various alts, but there’s still new people joining the game all the time and they will likely play normally rather than use a level boost.

It’s just a shame they didn’t handle the artifact weapons in a more creative way rather than simply grey stuff out.

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