Recently returned player looking for a guild

Hi all,

I have recently (about 3 months ago) returned to WoW after a 5 year break and have been playing either solo or a bit with the wife.
But i have come to a point where I am really looking for a bit “more”. What am I looking for? Well mostly a community to be able to just talk with/interact with/do random things like dungeon runs, raids and whatever with. Basically to go from an almost solo experience back to a more mmo type experience.

What are my preferences?
*Play DPS, I am willing to reroll, I enjoy playing Paladin, Priest, Hunter and Warlock, so if any of those are needed for a group, then that would fit really nicely
*A chill guild atmosphere. As in no need to fly off the handle at small things and completely flip your sh… over nothing if you know what I mean. Have some fun and dont always take everything to extremes. Having said that, while I enjoy a laid back atmosphere, I do also prefer when things get serious (raids and such), that it does get taken somewhat serious at least so it doesnt turn out to be a waste of everyone’s time.

What do I bring to the table?
*A positive attitude
*I am on a lot
*Willingness to start a new character on any server, horde or alliance its all good
*Willingness to put the extra effort in to learn fights I dont know yet (asking questions to more experienced people but also look online (wowhead/youtube) to get the rundown of encounters so I learn them.

Hey mate, Add my Battlenet Profwedgie#2232 - So we can have a chat.

Little bit about us, were Critical Hit on Draenor, currently recruiting ranged dps for the new raid in 10.2, we raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20:00-23:00 Server time.

Hi Nyxior,

It sounds like we might be the guild you’re looking for :slight_smile:

Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) is looking for new additions to our raid and m+ teams. We’re all about taking it slowly but surely with respect to everyone’s capabilities. Our goal is to reach AOTC if possible.

We have 2 raid evenings (each 1.5h) on Sunday and Tuesday starting at 21:30 server time. So we respect private time and don’t make it a huge chunk of time to be reserved! Of course being on time and prepared is mandatory to ensure a fun and rewarding evening for everyone!

We also run M+ nights with different key levels in mind (Wed = learning and gearing, Thurs = gearing and consolidating, Fri = working towards KSM and beyond) - this does change through the season, as we all progress.

Sounds interesting? Feel free to contact:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at

Hey there,

We have a small guild on Draenor that raids and runs regular M+. We’re currently looking for DPS.

Our main raid runs Mon-Thurs from 2100-0000 server time and we will also be adding a social raid on Sunday evenings in the next patch. Our atmosphere is relaxed and we value the personality fit with the guild over parses.

This is a link to a recent recruitment post just for reference :smiley: [EU] [DRAENOR] <Perfectly Balanced> Chill AOTC & Mythic+ Guild

Happy to answer any questions if you’re interested, please add me on discord ellie7765

Hi Nyxi!

We’re a new team, with lots of people returning to the game after breaks such as yourself. We’re in the process of putting together a Mythic raiding roster. We’re two weeks old and got 2/9 Mythic atm. Next season we’re gonna push higher up.

We could really use a Spriest or Hunter in our roster.

Check out our recruitment post here: [A/H] [Silvermoon] 2/9M :skull_and_crossbones: 2 nights a week - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

You can also find us on guildsofwow. Hope to hear from you!


Hey there, i think we might be a good match, ill link you our recruitment post, read it and come back to me if ypu like it :blush:

Hello. I run a Horde based guild on Tarren Mill (connected with Dentarg). It’s a good, busy (but not too busy) server and a great destination.

Our guild is social/casual. We have a variety of member types from those who spend their entire game time playing solo … perhaps ocasionally joining in with guild chat, to those who run M+ and/or raids, along with a variety of other interests such as achievements, transmogs, battle pets, etc.

We run raids twice a week, Wednesday (9pm ST to 11.30pm ST) and Friday (9.30 to midnight ST). We do only run normal and heroic level raids and although we look to try and get Curve, we can’t guarantee it. Our raids are semi-casual. We don’t have any experience requirements, attendance requirements or weird loot rules (just using the standard Blizzard loot option) and don’t require anyone to set a “main” and stick to it. We don’t have any set raid teams - stuff goes on the calendar and we accept “first come, first served”.

We have a “Mythic Monday” event where anyone of an experience level can sign up and we organise mentored no pressure groups. We also have plenty of active M+ runners doing everything from just the occasional untimed 10 to timing 20’s.

We are an 18+ guild, most of us have busy lives and some of us are getting on a bit. We don’t spend a lot of time hanging out on voice chat, but do have a fairly large text-based discord which we use as a guild chat outside of the game.

Feel free to check out our guild website: , our resources site for more information relating to our raids: and our discord for a chat:

You sound like exactly what we are looking for at Above the Lore. We play on Stormscale EU and are raiding Monday/Wednesday 19:30-22:30 ST through season 3 alongside pushing rio on non-raid days. Still a fledgling guild after forming in 10.1 but have grown into a social and stable community. Can guarantee DPS spots for the right players in raid team. If you are interested please add me on discord or Bnet to discuss further. :slight_smile:

Discord: Qweggla
Bnet: QweggyD#2216

This could work for you

I think we might be for you! No Longer The Lost Eu - Recruiting for M+, Raid and Social