I tried the new spec for the fury warrior and it just feels bad.
I am ok with having one charge of bloodbath, I get it would be too OP with the set bonus, but making my gameplay expirience bad because of a set bonus …
Let me explain - I get that after rampage we use bloodbath but then if you don’t have enough rage for another rampage( wich happens quite often) we have to press slam, which have 9 sec CD now and is not available.
If slam is on CD then we press WW, even on our single target rotation … ok .
But what if both are on CD? I am fury warrior with no button to press? Man it feels soo bad, I don’t know if haste will fix it but that should never be the case.
It feels bad enough to watch 3 buttons (Bloodthirst, Slam and WW) to see wich one is not on CD to press and seeing them all on CD … just nothing to do. As fury warrior it breaks the flow of the game and it 's not fun at all.
One possible solution would be to lower the Slam CD even more, another solution is to give us some kind of Bloodbath AND Crushing blow hybrid spec, another to … well revert the nerf at all (That would be best).
On an unrelated note, I really miss the Anger management spec last season, but I get it why we have to play with Reckless abandon because of the set bonus giving us boodthirst buff. And yes, I will always play the build that deals most damage, like most players would