Recostructing The Final Truth

So I have tried completing 2-3 objectives with 3 masks on and didnt get single page of final truth. Killed boss once also didnt get anything. I wasted 4 vessels and still stuck at rank 12. Is there anywhere that says how to do this besides google? I am playing a game and I dont want to google in order to know what to do. Do you have the ability to write simple quest text and what to do exactly to obtain pages instead of just obtain those papers? Like how do I obtain the papers? I know I could have googled but I also thought maybe I had to do 2-3 objectives with 3 masks so that is why I have tried.

They only drop from the hardest areas (Old Town and Mage), you don’t need any masks to get them.

How would I know that from in game? Thank you for telling me now I can do it finally.

From reading the quest text and using your map, I would think.

The text preamble states:

Collect Torn Pages of “The Final Truth” from Lost Areas within Horrific Visions for Wrathion in the Chamber of Heart.

With the main text being:

I know of this book. It is a sacred tome to those who worship the Old Gods, containing the deepest secrets and most incomprehensible mysteries of the Void. Only the most devout cultists are allowed to gaze upon its pages. Even incomplete, holding it makes my skin crawl. I must take care not to read too much of it in a single sitting. That being said, we must find its missing pages in order to continue our research. Retrieve them from the darkest corners of N’Zoth’s visions.

Compare that with the preamble for the earlier quests:

Collect Torn Pages of “Fear and Flesh” from Corrupted or Lost Areas within Horrific Visions for Wrathion in the Chamber of Heart.

Hovering over the map tells you which area is “lost” and which is “corrupted”, I don’t find it in any way cryptic.

Ah I see. I had to hover around the map with the mouse to find out… The first text says lost areas and i got it the second says or lost areas and i was there I think? Idk the difference between the two. Still cryptic but now you shed the light thanks.