Recruit a friend XP

I recently upped my subs from 3 -5.

I have 5 characters I play together - 3 have recruit a friend, 2 don’t. All on this battle net account.

Heirlooms don’t stack with recruit a friend, so with the winds of wisdom buff the xp total should be 150% right? (for those 3 with recruit a friend).

The 2 that don’t have recruit a friend are wearing heirlooms, so their total should be 155% because they have looms that equal 55% more xp, plus the winds of wisdom buff.

The thing is I put all 5 in heirlooms, and the recruit a friend characters are always 5-6 levels higher than the other 2 that don’t have it… how is this possible?

It’s a bit of a pain. I’m having to use party sync to get around the level difference but was just wondering. I had recruit a friend before the winds of wisdom buff was active.

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I think RaF gives more xp to the linked accounts, my 1 friend that i RaF last week started out leveling my other friend that messed up the RaF link.