Recruiting for Undermine!

Guild name: Lets kidnap Anduin Again
Faction: Both
Realm: Silvermoon (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: 8/8 Heroic On Nerub-ar
Raid days - Main runs: Thursday and Saturday
Raid times: 19.00-22.00 CET
★ Our Guild:
Anduin has slipped through our fingers yet again, and we require some people to get him back in the womb, if this is a mission you are willing to accept, join us. Lets Kidnap Anduin Again is a newly formed guild recruiting for the war within. We looking to recruit a few player. We are a couple of players we have constantly cleared 4/9M bosses throughout dragon flight, looking to find people for raids, mythic+ and social aspects of the guild. If you’d like to know more let me know! We are new player friendly, and more than happy to help with getting people into the game! Add me on discord at: beebbe235 or on bnet: beebbe2354#2505 for any questions you may have!

Our main focus is Heroic content, with an interest of progressing into Mythic.

We will have off night raids that are mainly for alts and social/non raider guild members, where we can be raiding or going for achievements etc. These are not mandatory at all, just a bit of extra fun for those who want to take part.

★ Our Expectations:
Because of our 2 day schedule, we do require very high attendance. However, we are all human and understand that things outside of the game sometimes have to take priority, as long as it doesn’t affect the raid for too long.

We expect that you come fully prepared to raid. This includes a good working knowledge of your class and the way it currently works, any spec and talent changes that will be a benefit at the boss we are on for example, and also the gear you require to maximize your performance. The guild tends to provide consumables, but you are expected to carry some of your own just in case they are needed.

We’d like you to be able to have fun in raids, get to know each other. Learn from each other and help each other wherever possible. Anytime that you spend online outside of raiding hours you will be expected to be nice to other guild members and conduct yourself outside of the guild in a courteous manner. Remember, the guild is bigger than any individual and how you conduct yourself reflects on the guild.

In return, you can expect to have a good raiding environment where you aren’t constantly under pressure and can actually enjoy the content at a decent pace. Because we do not over recruit, you will raid very regularly and get a fair share of loot as well.

★ Loot:
• We use loot council to distribute loot.
• As a trialist, we treat you as a main member of our roster, which means equal rights, where focus on progression matters most.

★ Raiding Schedule (Server Times)

• Thursday 19:00-22:00
• Saturday 19:00-22:00

★ How To Apply
For more information add me on Discord at: beebbe235 or on Bnet at:beebbe2354#2505.

Cross realm applications are accepted. Feel free to mention any current members that will support your application.