Valhal Verdicts are recruiting
We are looking for healers and dps to help us farm HC and to try out mythic. We are not a Cutting Edge guild, but would like to see how far we can get, once we are the numbers needed for it.
The guild was established in 2010 and we got a mature, friendly and non-toxic atmosphere (also while raiding and doing keys). Our raidleader is very easygoing and chill in a raid grp mixed with AOTC raiders and former CE raiders. We do keys daily as well.
We raid mondays and wednesdays 20:00-22:30.
Raidgroup info
Progress.: 9/9 Normal + 9/9 Heroic
Average ilvl.: 437 (430-443)
Average M+ score.: 2300’ish (2k-2,7k)
4 set bonus.: 90% of the group
We are looking for a few healers and some dps, but are not picky when it comes to classes, as we want you to play what you enjoy the most and we will make that work if we are a match.
Get a hold of Gijar or Hakudo ingame to see if we are a match
Best wishes