RECRUITING - Nomads raid team Silvermoon



We are a casual raiding team that raid Normal and Heroic raids were the majority of our current team have been raiding together since Warlords of Draenor. (some since Wrath). We try to keep our environment casual we do raid 3 nights a week but are very understanding of people having RL commitments that pop up or work things that arise we just ask that you make as many nights as you can as long as you keen to raid and take part we don’t mind.


We currently accept all players regardless of your raid experience if your a novice or a seasoned raider we have a place for you. Our current team varies from people that had no raid experience before coming to us to people who raided back with some of the older hardcore raiding teams. In terms of Roles we currently don’t require any TANKS. But could always use more melee and ranged damage dealers. For HEALERS we are always after more especially healers that have a heal and DD off spec. For Novice raiders all we ask is that you willing to learn you class and accept help from other players in the guild. We are more than willing to help.


We Raid 3 times a week. All times are REALM TIMES .

WEDNESDAY 21:00 - 23:00
THURSDAY 21:00 - 23:00
SUNDAY 21:00 - 23:00

As a Raid team we have Achieved AOTC together in all raids since Blackrock foundry. When a new raid launches we normally run through normal and clear once done in normal we jump into HC and progress through.

When Raiding we ask that all players have the Character Enchanted and gemmed. That you bring Flasks, Pots & Runes with you when attending.
We currently use TeamSpeak for raiding we ask you at least be online to listen. We have discussed moving to discord but no solid plan as of yet.

So after the Battle of dazar Alor things with our raid have slowed down again and we are now back on a recruitment drive for the upcoming Azhara raid.
We don’t have a online application all we ask is that you reach out to one of us in game and chat for a little while. See if we fit you and you fit us too.

You can normally catch me on one of these two characters.

Or you can reach out to the following officers

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