Recruitment for Wednesday raiding in a sane atmosphere

Hi, guys
I played mostly on retail wotlk and am now trying to go back to that area with the mindset of the 2010 community

For that I’d like to start a guild to raid regularly, on Wednesday for long raids (nax for now) and
other evenings for shorter ones or heroic chaining (around 20:30 to 00:00 or 01:00 and finishing another evening)
Regularity is important to a good organisation and
to do with less people to have a stable roster

Depending on the number we get to, it could be 10 or/and 25 man

No toxicity, no gold for stuff (main stuff before alt stuff then random if needed), sane people, reasonable stuff only is sufficient, some crafted good but not the most expensive depending on the market. And a good level of play and implications ( review the strats) for this requirement to be enough.

Engrish needed enough to have a nice talk

Of course I am only lvl 73 for now but better be prepared in advance. (And evenings are basically unconectable for now, hope for the retail launch to get better)
I don’t expect the already 80 rusher to be interested but if you want to play an alt in a mature but sane atmosphere you are welcome

Remember to have fun while winning and win while having fun

sorry cant speak Engrish :frowning:

English is fine too but you ll have to suffer reading our engrish
(It makes me wonder how it feels to be fluent in the most butchered language)

Ps2 engrish is indeed a semi-real word

As long as Gehennas queue times are not fixed there wont be any guild raiding…

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