I’ve been wondering about a certain symbol that reappears at Horde supply boxes. It’s a red eye and it’s seen on crates in-game and I believe it’s purely related to the Horde. But does anyone know what this symbol means? It’s clearly not the Horde symbol itself and resembles an eye.
It’s obviously the eye of Sauron, in case Horde players needed yet another reminder that they’re the bad guys.
I recall you saying “you take this game too serious”
You mean the Horde’s symbol?
That is the crest of the Nation of Durotar; a bit modified version of the Icon of Battle - The Icon it self was/is the racial icon of the orcs, and symbolizes their warrior nature and battle prowess. The crest features a battleworn shield emblazoned with the symbol of the Horde, which is flanked by wolf heads representing the Frostwolf clan and the orc’s kinship with wolves. The shield rests atop a pair of savage, bloodstained battle axes.
The symbol of the Horde was shown on a - don’t know how canon, age old - chart of orcish symbols, according to this chart the Horde symbol means “tribe”.
Horde symbol was made in a name of Azshara. Just look on the map.
Idk if we’re talking about the same symbol, but I’m talking about an eye symbol specifically. It’s a red eye featured on many orcish crates and in the viewer it is described as orccrate01. I discovered the symbol on a crate on the 2nd floor of the Orcish watchtower at the Rageroar camp near the Northwatch hold.
It’s not an eye symbol. It’s an orc rune for battle.
One of the Orcish clans does indeed have an eye for a symbol, the Bleeding Hollow.
But I’m doubtful that said emblem would be related to this one appearing on supply crates.
For anyone confused, this is the symbol on the crates:
I personally do not think it has any implicit meaning, rather it is only an aesthetic, a fancy design, much like the glyphs inside Night Elf taverns, or the etchings on some Orc banners such as this one:
Nine times out of ten, he’s the one sat there shaking with anger while he rage types at people
If anyone takes this game too seriously…,
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