Red eyes for blood elves

Why do you act like it doesn’t exist in WoW? There’s enough red eyed death knight npcs to make it possible.

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You can have red eyes if we get more high elf options :3

You can have my red eyes if you want. Along with the scratchy burning sensation, and the black floaters.

Damn eye injections.

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Floaters are the worst, and people can take that any way they like…

Especially with playable dwarves being able to be a wildhammer , blood elves should get the Dark Ranger skin limited to one to three skin tones , and just the red eyes


And Void elves should have fully high elf hair styles and hair colors.


Why not both?

Why do I always see blood elves hating the fact that Void elves are requesting normal hair colors?

Same with void elves hating the fact that Blood elves are requesting farstrider tattoos and Red eyes?

You can have both! Work together to achieve your goals, instead of this constant forum wars between the elves.

If it was up to me, I would give the void elves 3 extra hairstyles, 2 normal hair colors. give red eyes and extra skin to blood elves.

Blue farstrider tattoos for Void elves
red Farstrider tattoos for Blood elves.


Indeed well give high elves a few hairstyles and a few normal hair colors And give them both feather jewelry And I also made a Threat for this High elves and blood elf Customization's

Im for blonde void elves hell yes like the more options the better

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