Reduce number of M+ runs needed to max out vault for alts

He’s a contrarian, it gives him some sad joy contradicting what should be obvious. He isn’t even impacted by these issues i wager. Probably delves only. Maybe henpecked by his wife so he can only do 1 key a week so alts don’t even come up.

That’s why he hides on a classic alt

idea was they get gear based on your run level, but no higher than 3rd slot on your main

I would dislike .

The game is already seasonal with no character growth over the tier-seasons.

instead of asking to make properly setups for playing the main character you ask to devaluate the worth by less playing from alts.

Aren’t you asking for easy gear by playing less with alts… ??

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There are all kinds of video game genres, and even more games within the each of genres. Games should to obey fundamental principles of the genre and defining characteristics of the each game.

Arcadeisation and smoothieisation of the wow is already out the hand.
WoW already derailed severely from the fundamental principles of an RPG, nor does it protect the integrity of its own defining characteristics.

Long term consequences will be catastrophic.

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I love this someone hire this man make him VD of Blizzard HQ. He knows what to do

You can only get 120 keys (3 items) per difficulty. So while you can target some items you can’t guarantee you get all the BRD items you want.

Great Vault is nothing more than a way to increase the time played metric.

You can vote against it by not forcing yourself to fill every slot with the highest gear chance that you can get.

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Hold on, I thought it stacked up to 120! So once there you spend some to drop to 80 or less, and then get more from bosses. Does it really only allow only 120 total keys per difficulty for the entire event up to January?!

I feel like there’s an exploit in here somewhere, but I can’t quite point my finger at it. I need to rest on it.

In any case, I don’t like the vault at all. I’m sick to death of it having a loot table literally the size of the entire game. I never ever get what I wanted and it’s the only way to get what I want.

They really should just give you a token you can use to turn an item into a myth track if there’s nothing you actually want, or a token that can be used after a dungeon run to upgrade the next item you loot from a chest into a myth track item, so you can target from which dungeon you’ll get the loot, at least. Give people up to 3 of them.

I am already thinking of taking a break from the game. I got everything from the 20th anniversary that i wanted. Inclusive skins from the world bosses. I lvled a few characters last week and on my mains i did nothing. So no vault item for them.
Gearing alts takes time. Lucky that i could kill world bosses every day for gear that has a higher ilvl then lfr.
Also i just discovered that part 2 of the expansion i have to lvl again.
And its not only gearing characters.

Also to stay relax its better to not do lfr because losing rolls its not a positive thing against depression. And no delves are too hard. Already struggled with lvl 5.

I also have to do mount runs on every character. I wish we could skip to the end boss for the mount instead of running every character 20+ minutes. Take icc 25 hc as example. The time it takes to reach and kill the lich king for an mount that has a droprate for 0,9. RIDICULOUS.

I spoke to a game master and he said that i had to share the feedback on the forum. Many others likes a skip like garrosh. But our time is not taken very serious.
Also bad luck protection thats with events should be a thing at normal mount runs.

Just fill 2 raids slots HC or mythic,1 m+ slot and 3 delves it’s way faster
i’m doing this and i have decent gear.

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