Reduce number of M+ runs needed to max out vault for alts

Doing 8x m+ on multiple characters takes a lot of time, make it easier to max vault for alts by reducing number of runs needed. To prevent abuse make a limit that max itemlevel you can get on alt is equal to minimum item level unlocked on main. Main counted as the one who has done 8 highest levels of dungeons.

EDIT as some might have misunderstood - gear based on your alts run level, but no higher than 3rd slot on your main

reduced number could be
1/3/6 for first alt, 1/2/4 for rest, alt counted by best combination for player


Its a choice YOU make nobody forceā€™s you to do it on altā€™s.


You pretend that itā€™s something that canā€™t be changed. You know WoW isnā€™t the real worldā€¦right? With a snap of their fingers they could make this alt friendly change.

No one forces you do defend garbage design yet you seem to be on the forums doing it 24/7


because that means 2x more content you have to do if you want to play something else, not everybody wants to do 2x more, the amount is fine to do on one character, but on more it becomes a chore and running easier content that seems too easy but has people who havent done higher stuff, so their skill isnt as good as you are used to gets annoying and can bring more toxicity.

nobody would lose from that change as you still probably need gear from drops and getting new toys is the fun part.

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In one thread you say the season is over cos no upgrades, in the next you want it to be over faster.

I admire the consistency.


I really do dislike this type of comment. What value are you adding? At least the OP is making a suggestion.

To the OP, I think you are trying to oversimplify a system that Blizzard themselves have difficulty with. They canā€™t even unlock all reps from previous expansions yet, so putting a system like yours in place would be nigh on impossible lol.

System/coding aside though, Iā€™m not a fan of the suggestion. Say youā€™re good and worked hard in M+ and maybe your lowest ilvl piece is 619. Then you want to get an alt geared and after 1 mythic run, then get a 619 piece of gear? That isnā€™t how this game works, nor should it.

Now, what could be fairer is alts get to complete less but the ilvl of the vault is the same as it would be normally. The issue here is that it would also need to be applied to all vault brackets and not just mythic.

Even with that though, theyā€™d probably have to create at least another entire vault system in their code for alts and tie it to your character with the most progress. What if your alts are on different servers or factions? I just donā€™t think their current code would make this be viable. For example, on the character select screen, you canā€™t even see if an alt has mail or the amount of gold they have if they are on a different realm.

Iā€™d rather they remove the concept of the Great Vault entirely and instead work the already existing systems to be less RNG-based.

Even if that means that for every single specialization their BiS is always from crafting and the purplz in raids and instances exist only to be traded somewhere for materials for those BiS crafted items.


They do that during the fated season where you can get the bis items from vendors, and they specifically stated that they want to avoid that in a regular season.

They do not like when you can ā€œmath outā€ when you get your upgrades/bis because then the item does not feel good to earn, but it just feels like the grind is over. In other words they prefer the biggest dopamine hit.

Tbf I agree more with you than them. I like rng as much as the next guy, but after 1-2 pulls in the slot machine (great vault), it would be nice to have the option to get the item you want (like the other guys that got it on their first few tries). But removing all kind of rng and just making everything vendor based feels a little bland.

It is logical to not want the game to be mathed-out (I also do not like that), but at the same time it is even worse seeing your progression ā€œstuckā€ due to RNG and not due to lack of content or time.

The best thing I can come up with is a system where there is an eventual grinding point where no matter how much bad luck one has, they will have achieved equipping their characters with every single item they have set their eyes on, and RNG only influences this positively by reducing the grind. A very simplistic such system is one where for each boss you kill you get a Dragon Kill Point, and at a specific numbers of those DKP you can opt to pick the item you want from a boss, as if from a vendor. So if a specific item doesnā€™t want to drop for you then you use DKP once you acquire them, and if it drops for you then even better since you wonā€™t spend those DKP on it but on something else.

ā€¦Isnā€™t this exactly what we have with Timewalking BRD now and its keys?

but you are always whining about something tbh are you are WF1ST raider or in top 1% of pushers? if not you dont need every char at 630+ They should remove the vault tbh.

Then you cant have read all my posts so stop hyperboling and whining like always and debate my viewā€™s not forum count because it seems like you have nothing relevent to say.

Telling it like it is sorry to burst your bubble but it is a self made problem.

you could realistically never get your BIS. If they did deterministic stacking chance like Fyrakk axe last expansion thats fineā€¦but how much dopamine do you get from months of vaults without the item you need? Itā€™s a trash system

As if random mc lowbie alt has anything meaningful to say. You hide on an alt because youā€™re afraid of people questioning why they should listen to your copy paste advice.

Even the very highest end M+ players/WF raiders have said the same thing complaining about crest changes when they happened etc. Noawh complained, Tettles did. Thereā€™s many more. Who are you to say otherwise?

Yeah this is the reason that I do not agree with them. In that system they accept that an X percentage of players might not get their BIS in a given season, in order for the other percentage of players (1-X) to have that big dopamine hit.

I would much prefer a way that you can trade tokens of merits for an item that you can ā€œupgradeā€ the track of your gear, thus having deterministic loot, but at a way slower rate (like a bad luck protection).


So you are a sheep that can not make up his own mind and has to believe the word of streamers. Alts should never be the same as mains hence being an alt. And yet again you attack me and not my views it shows how low of intelligence to compose your own views without lashing about complete nonsense about what a person posts on come back when you can debate and converse with an ounce of knowledge.

Atm you come across as a petulant child and wannabe internet tough guy throwing around his heavy weight game stomache trying to force there view as fact.Then again you are from Kazzak so no wonder you are as you are.

If i listened to you i would be a sheep. I am pointing out the fact that you hide your main account (which is only ever for one reason) . But i also pointed out that players much much much much much better than you had the exact same issues.

You come across as a boomer that did Ragnaros back in the day so you think what you say has any significance (1 button rotations btw). Post on main. Show us that you even do any content at all, any skin in the game. Iā€™m gonna guess sub 10 keys and probably sub HC raid. Yet you post like some authority

Child speak yet again.

Ahead iof you in so many ways but yet again , you go on about the char i post on which has nothing to do with my views but that skips over your head sad really that you can only deal in attacks instead of views. True what they say about Kazzak players.

You done 1 curve and few KSH lol and you try to belittle me sadā€¦ lol

TL DR : you are 100% correct but i have no rebuttal for what you said. So i call you a child ( as if being old is a virtue) think i am more intelligent (another personal attack because i canā€™t refute what you said) then attack the server i am from (getting desperate chief.)

Post main.

(make sure you report my post too, because you lost an argument)

I said you speak like a child big difference there.

well known that Kazzak is a toxic cess pool.

Would not want to make you sad with your 1 curve and couple KSH and you think your good :slight_smile:

keep telling yourself that good night :slight_smile:

I never said i am good, iā€™m not pretending to be an authority on all matters. Above what the top players in the world say, which you claim to be. You people are always the same, average at very best.

So post main. Letā€™s see he, who is above RWF players and high M+ players. Youā€™re not hiding on an alt for no reason lol. Getting declined from 8s arenā€™t you lmao

Donā€™t mind me and continue arguing between yourselves, I will not butt in, just wanted to point something out.

While I will not say that you cannot have this opinion, keep in mind that it is antithetical to what blizzard is doing.

They moved away from character to account/warband progress, so much as that you can ā€œreroll a new mainā€ in a matter of weeks. That is by design, so saying that alts should never be the same as mains is factually incorrect with how the game is at the moment.

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