Reduce the amount of placement games please

Title says it all, 30 placement games? for what reason?
Having to play 30 games with people that genuinely lick there screen and aren’t playing the game, just reduce it to 10 games so those who belong there remain there and those that don’t can just play with humans.

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lmao, its funny because its true

this would be great if people respected each others time. but having leveled, geared and queued up 20 or so games on an alt - almost every game had people with not even full honour gear, no crafted items, no enchants, no meta gem etc. these people deserve to play 30 placements and then get put in 1300-1400 MMR. more games means more likely your 31st game is out of this abyss of selfish apes. if you have only 10 games your 11th will have a high chance of getting one of these ‘oh woops i bought an agi wep haha, and also didnt enchant it haha, woops lol’ resto shaman players.

keep the 25-30 zoo games imo

No it’s an absolute sh*tshow, anyone making that mistake with the way MMR works will quickly drop down to there appropriate level of skill whilst the people that can actually play with hands will climb.

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