i wount play anather seson when dks get tunled
dk was A class there are more OP classes out there
hope more ppl will ask for refound
i canceled my sub. runs until 24th this month. I have 2 more tokens for gametime, when those run out, and dk still isn’t fixed, gonna call it a day.
Yeah, Im cancelling my sub right away. Blizzard just killed my dragonflight dream.
lolz like they give a flying rat.
also drama queens much?
DKs needed tuning. Stop the drama.
Yes yes, nerf Echoing Reprimand also.
i feel like paper now
Bit dramatic… i’ll keep playing to see if they revert some of the nerfs but we’ve not even played a season of PVP yet…
The nerfs look really harsh on paper and definitely 5 nerfs in 1 go is a bit too much. Having said that i’m going to play Shadowcleave in 3’s so i might be alright as people often want to tunnel on the warlock haha
I am leveling my warrior just in case though.
After these nerfs people will tunnel u instead of warlock who is far tankier than u kekw
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