Regarding Players from Indian Subcontinent

hello everyone I am in here regarding players from this part of world as mentioned in title. I have been playing wow for like 6-7 years and 3 of those wow years i spend playing on eu realms which provided the best latency for me which is around 150ms and before that I used to play on NA realms which gave me somewhat 250 ms due to geographical distance of the region. Now by that logic i was wondering if players from indian subcontinent can play on Chinese/Korean Realms or on Russian realms as its about half distance from India compared to Germany/France where most of the server/datacentres are located physically for english realms. I tried to play on Russian realms but i couldn’t manage to use English Language in the game plus I wanted to know if there is a way to get the list of cities where these servers are located in Russia so I can chose the closest.
The best option is to play on Chinese/Korean servers but I don’t think there is a way to overcome the language barrier on Chinese servers if there is please let me know.
other than that i think blizzard should consider establishing a server or two in India as it can be a big market for blizzard as I know about 100-200 ppl from India only playing over some eu realms and I am sure there are a lot more playing through out EU/NA realms from India only on top of that I am sure south east asian people will get better latency from servers located in India or vice versa. So please blizzard do establish one/two servers either in India or south east asian countries.I hope ill be able to play the game I love under 50/70 pings in near future.


man they dont even make a server in Australia…so there is no way they will make it in India :laughing:

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South African players have the same issues and the Middle East.


@Raiden i think some of those Ocenia realm servers are located in Australia and about comparison Delhi alone is a little behind from australia population wise so market is a lot bigger in India tbh
@Punyelf I heard blizzard allowed some third party to establish and maintain an official wow server in South africa and blizzard will provide them all the latest patches after a short period of launch on eu/na realms

I think the Middle eastern players got a blue response about a similar issue, basically stating that the number of players is too small for a server of their own and tbh I’m on their side.

You might have 5 thousand players, but who guarantees those 5 thousands will want to move, and even then how do you guarantee that other players will want to move in to a server, it’s too much of a hassle and money waste.

plus with each passing day technology is advancing further and further so 50 ms might no longer be a dream soon :smiley:

We started playing WoW with 600 ping, now its 100-140.

soon It will be less than 100!

well i managed to get 100-150 players on one realm just with one or two posts about guild and if they start a server where ppl will get 50ms instead of 150-300 the guys are playing atm I am sure every1 will switch. Plus a lot of Indian players play on other private servers as 150ms makes pvp at higher level impossible pve its fine and as you know many Indians participate in other player vs player games in huge numbers such as dota2, CS, PuBG etc. so I am sure number won’t be an issue.
And I am sure the technology will make it possible soon but why not establish servers in the 2nd most populated country

Private servers are illegal, and pvp at the highest lvl is possible even at 230-300 ms, many known Middle easterners got rank 1 and gladiator titles with such pings. It is tough yes but it is doable! try your best! and good luck!

If the middle class in India starts earning more, they might.
Australia is a deserted island compared to India, It’s not worth it to have a server setup there.

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Actually the do have servers located in Australia.

middle eastern ppl get around 90-100 ms not 250-300 and maybe but i dont know any of them being at top but thats not the point

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