Regarding Professions Skill 'Secondaries' in Older WOW Content

What’s the skinny on Dragon Isles Professions ‘secondaries’ - Deftness, Finesse… etc
When I go gathering mineral ore or herbs in Vanilla/Azeroth to Shadowlands zones, what for example is finesse contributing to the rate I loot ore?

Im working on the new Professions Achievements - making the goggles and specs etc, so Im out with my gatherer alt.
I notice that [Darkmoon Firewater] now improves my ‘Deftness’ when gathering.
Thus I infer that Deftness then applies to the rate you gather nodes.
Makes sence. But lets say after some reflection, I dont give a monkies about the speed I gather from a node. I want to leverage the total gains I get from each node.

Does ‘Perception’ or ‘Finesse’ have an effect on a Azeroth node that historically only gave 2 to 3 drops at a time?

Anyone able to point to a blue post on this?

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