Regarding PVE and PVP Balance

Regarding the recent changes and posts for class changes.

The age old problem of trying to balance two game modes with one set of game rules.

the table below is the current ‘performance’ for sunken temple for class/spec.
the final column is the increase required to bring the class upto ‘balance’.

Would it be feasible/difficult to implement a ‘buff’ that is permanent when entering any raid or dungeon that increases dmg dealt per class/spec. This would greatly improve balance, might not be perfect but gives the lower performing classes enough of a boost to be part of the raid, in this case Melee hunters would get 0% increase, warriors 3% etc.

PVP balance can then be adjusted, big changes can be made without distrupting PVE. Ofc after any pvp changes, the adjustments in PVE might have to be revisited.

Faster changes when balance is this far out, especially in small phases. More iteration, more frequent changes are better and this approach would make it simpler.

Class/Spec Score Performance Dmg Increase Needed %
Melee Hunter 96.46 100.00 0.00
DPS Warrior 93.64 97.08 2.92
DPS Rogue 91.59 94.95 5.05
Enhancement Shaman 90.26 93.57 6.43
DPS Paladin 80.24 83.18 16.82
Feral Druid 77.08 79.91 20.09
Ranged Hunter 76.32 79.12 20.88
Fire Mage 74.72 77.46 22.54
Frost Mage 74.71 77.45 22.55
DPS Warlock 74.16 76.88 23.12
Elemental Shaman 65.36 67.76 32.24
Balance Druid 64.12 66.47 33.53
DPS Priest 60.74 62.97 37.03
Arcane Mage 41.93 43.47 56.53
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I agree shadow priests need a bigger buff, no one wants to be behind a DPS paladin in PVE lets be fair here.

tank pallies do more damage than rets atm in certain cases which is absolute bad designing. rets got 0 buffs and prot paladins got an rune to do significantly more damage.

to the actual post, like the idea, would make more frequent balancing possible regarding pvp, tbh PvE shouldn’t be the primary balancing point, it shouldve been PvP hence outside of the raid you are likely to run into fights.