Regarding Vyranoth

I get the fear but I think this one will remain pure. In lore nordrassil is immunue to corruption because of 3 aspects blessing. This seed was made from the tear of elune combined with winterqueens powers, and genocide worth of elves souls, then fed on dream’s life energies.

Think this one will remain safe x’D

Seeing how Azeroth is a slumbering Titan i think that goal would only really work by destroying the World.

Nah, you’re out of date with the retcons there. The current situation is that the Chronicles that told us that Azeroth was a Titan Baby are just Titan propaganda, and we don’t really have a clue what Azeroth is, just that everyone wants her.

Truth to be told at this point I am ot even sure if it is a world soul as wimbert said, titan perspective deal.

From primalists perspective, Azeroth created them to protect her. Also azeroth’s life pool wasn’t arcane or titanic in nature so there’s that.

i don’t think you can really expect deep writing from the current dev team even if your “savior” metzen has come back his not mine people have the memory of goldfish and how often metzen got torn apart in the story forum for his clear faction bias

Considering that what came after Metzen for the Alliance was Anduinland… I think Metzen’s bias would still be an improvement. That things weren’t great doesn’t mean that they couldn’t get worse.


I wouldn’t call it hate, if writers truly hated the nelves, then they wouldn’t have spotlight for 4 expansions straight.
I think they don’t understand them and other playable races and don’t have any idea on writing neuanced story - which is granted if you hire activists. They tried so hard to homogenise everyone have them have exact same principles, to the point they no longer remind actual races but are mere a tokens.

a true definitionn of NPCs.

For example, after doing TBC timewalking on my alt, I had to unlock Shattrath faction to get rid of reputation granting items. And You read abot story of Scryers and Aldor. Tere are many things that TBC imo screwed. But this was great.
It showed that even if both of them have the same common enemy, even if both lived in the same city - they still hated each other and worked separately.

And you don’t have anything like that in DF, not even one NPC from H/A is showing any form of negative - let’s say “interaction”, like voicing contemnt, or criticizing something.

THAT is unbelieveable after total war. You’d imagine people would distrust each other more than in Vanilla WoW, not less.

I still remmeber how people criticized Varian to be essintially Alliance Warchief and having command of other Alliance factions, when Alliance was meant to be cooperation of independant Kingdoms, which one wouldn’t govern over another.
And I think Alliance suffered from it, becuase what I think would make them more interesting would be clash of interests between said kingdoms.
What is benefitting to dwarves don’t have to be benefiting for nelves, for example.

Oh, yes, and I even remember the hope when Varian died, that that would mean that they couldn’t agree on a new High King and that the weak, inexperienced Anduin would never be called into such a lofty position by the millenia of experience the Alliance leadership has to offer. I mean, we were assured that the “High King” was a position just like the “High Marshall” in Lothar’s time, so it couldn’t somehow be hereditary, could it?

…yeah, good times…

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