Region Wide Auction House - 9.2.7 PTR

From the PTR forum:-

World of Warcraft Version 9.2.7 PTR


  • Auction Houses across all realms on a given region will now share commodity listings (gems, herbs, flasks, consumables, etc.). Items that aren’t commodities – like armor and weapons – will continue to be realm-specific.
    • Developers’ note: The Auction House you know and use today should look and feel exactly the same; it’ll just have way more buyers and sellers available to you for commodities. We’d love for players to hop on the PTR, copy over their characters, and help us test the Auction House across the entire PTR region. We might schedule a specific time in a few weeks for everyone to hop on at the same time to help stress it, details tbd.


Hopefully this patch won’t come with crazy ah lags


The lag is what worries me and I doubt they’ll get a sufficient test on the PTR.

However time will tell. It will certainly be a boon for those stuck on dead realms. Who have high prices for everything as a result of a small playerbase.


So are “commodities” basically anything that’s stackable in the inventory?

That would be my guess. Which wont help those who have to pay over the top for legendary base items etc.

Also on an unrelated note I find it interesting that linking blue posts doesn’t override your green text.

If the cost for commodities required to craft the legendary items is reduced via this new system then hopefully then the price for leggos will also see a drop on less populated servers.

It is odd what does and doesn’t.

I hope they expand the region-wide Auction House to collections. Basically transmogs, pets, mounts, recipes, and toys.

Probably they should make the option to search items in the AH based on appearance, so if you search for weapon transmog the search combine every weapon with the same appearance.

If it is too much to create a region-wide AH of all these items at least make it for items from previous expansions.


I like the concept, however playing on high pop realms it will be even more challenging to make gold , the massive amount of people that will be selling those items is just gonna make those prices hit rock bottom.

Are they planning on adjusting on the “raw gold” imagine the entire market crashes but the same raw gold is handed out… Everyone will max out professions and everything is gonna be rediculously cheap like it was in WoD

This move is definately to try and put people who depend on a wow token to play each month out of business.

They would need to artificially lower the token price or lose a large player base. I mean I read it on the forums all the time " I’m only playing wow because of the token , would never pay irl cash to play this"

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Something tells me that after this, the only time you’ll be able to make proper money from mining, herb and skinning when there will be new mats added with the next patch.

That will be the only time prices will be high enough to make reasonable amounts of gold.

If, on the other hand, this was extended to mounts, pets and the like… :thinking:

And gear not being region wide also makes sense more or less, imagine selling mythic boe’s for 30k gold. Would be too good a price to pass up :sweat_smile:

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Could be, but at the same time its hard to predict what will happen. Yes its true that more people will be selling items, but also more people will be buying so it might even out.

they should have just put in realm travel like ff 14 did

More supply usually means lower prices.

Like when we had lots and lots of bots farming herbs in BfA

Will be interesting to see how this plays out. I imagine this is setting up for how professions are changing in 10.0.

I make a nice chunk of gold on a daily basis from selling these items.

I doubt in the end that much will change, other than a little balancing across the servers, and a lot less cancel relisting.

However, I hope Blizzard do something regarding Mega Goblins, if they are going to leave Crafted items as they are.

I recently transferred away from a server, where the Crafted Armor/Weapon market was completely dominated by 1 player, who just crunched the price of crafted gear down to zero profit for anyone wanting to compete.

I transferred 6 characters paying with WoW Gold, and I made my expenditure back in 1 week on my new server through most armor sales.

Personally, I would rather they took and all or nothing approach with this. Either make everything Region wide, or nothing at all.

That is true but in this case it should also be more damand, because there will be more poeple from other realms selling to me, but also more people buying from me.

I’m worried this will make gold making from gathering profession even more pointless unless you’re a multiboxer or a bot, even more than it currently is.


Yes, I fear this will just fall into the hands of the Mega Goblins.

The ways to make gold are already very limited, this will probably mean the materials become cheaper which is good for raiders but not good for sellers.
And the question is especially if at this point it’s even worth it to sell materials to begin with if they reach a too cheap spot.

It has both positives and negatives, but i guess positives are way more.