Hello there!
We are < Rehab >, A semi-casual, Heroic only guild placed on the AeriePeak- EU Cluster.
Currently we are looking for more players to bolster our roster.
About us
is an 18 year old guild originally created to house retired raiders that still wanted to raid, and perform in these raids, but no longer wanted to/could commit to all the “out of raid” requirements that mythic raiding brings to the table.
This is something we hold close to our heart all these years later and are committed to have a social and fun raiding environment whilst also being rewarding progress wise. This means we have plenty of moments for banter ,but also times where somewhat of a serious time is required during pulls.
What we can offer
A relatively low requirement to get into normal to heroic progress at the start of a tier. We really do not set the bar that high.
A supportive longlasting community that is willing to help out with things like: gearing, game information, Mythic+(which is not required btw), pugging among other in-game activities.
A weekly alt run, sometimes even more than 1. See below for more info.
Goals/raiding structure
We are a 3 days a week, heroic only raiding guild. Which seems a lot initially, but we have a different structure compared to what you might be used to in a guild. We handle our raiding days as follows:
Heroic progress starts - we raid Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday
heroic progress is done - We gear up so we can clear the whole raid on Wednesday and Thursday. Sunday becomes a normal alt run.
Heroic progress is done #2 - We gear up so we can clear the whole raid on Wednesday. Thursday becomes a Heroic alt run. Sunday stays on as a normal alt run.
Of course, alt runs are optional, always. We do have a lot of people interested in playing, learning and gearing alts.
What are we looking for?
Well, for you of course! We are looking for more people to share in the fun. We do however have some, which we think are low, requirements.
- Heroic = 605 + enchants/gems
- Normal alt run = 570
- Heroic alt run = 600
- For season 2 we are looking for 620
We are looking for any class, every spec in every role.
Raiding times
- Wednesday 20:00 ST - 23:00 (10 min break around 22:00)
- Thursday 20:00 ST - 23:00 (10 min break around 22:00)
- Sunday 20:00 ST - 23:00 (10 min break around 22:00)
If you have interest in joining us,or have more questions? Please contact Arcadias (shadylady90#2419) on Bnet.
We hope to hear from you soon!
The < Rehab > Officer team