Relatively New WoW Player LF Guild

Hello, im kinda new on WoW, im currently leveling my Warlock on Daggerspine (lvl 85 rn) and i have a lvl 110 Demon Hunter leveled time ago… im looking for a guild that helps eachother, does raiding, dungeons, hunts mounts, stuff like that, also world PvP why not, pretty much that enjoys the game togheter :slight_smile: feel free to whisper Khepri-Daggerspine or Tavkroul-Daggerspine ty :slight_smile:

Hey there, I run a small horde guild on Twisting Nether and we would love to take you in! If you don’t fancy transferring realms you can always level a toon whilst chilling with us and see how you feel about our guild! Feel free to message me on bnet - ackersass#2322

Thank you and good luck :grin:

Hmmm, idk transfering character is expensive, i would like to stay on Daggerspine ty anyway, anyother guilds outhere ?