"Relax it's just prepatch"

Are you expecting me to post links to posts now or what?

I can already tell you what specs will be 100% nerfed:


-Unholy (maybe)
-WW (maybe)
-Ret (healing)
-Enh (healing - and will be garbage then)
-Prot (healing)


-Ele (maybe healing - not sure)
-Boomkin (maybe healing - not sure)


-R Shaman (Damage)
-Disc (Damage)

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Well if I were more pettish I might. I mean, if it’s a quote it’s proper form to include the person you are quoting.
But I just posed the question to reinforce my point.

Allow me to illustrate it.

“Arena balance is the best it’s ever been. Shadowlands looks even better!”
“Jito’s forum posts are amazing, we should all read them with care.”
“Relax, it’s just pre-patch.”

These are quotes. That means people are saying it!

…No. No it doesn’t.

Sources matter. Contexts matter. Intents matter.

The OP wrote a quote without a source, linked an unrelated video, and posed a question referring to the quote, with a hidden intent to focus on the matter related to the video.

I’ve criticized that, because it’s all-together bad form.

laughes in DH

Relax guys, it’s just prepatch. The best is yet to come :monkey_face:

Here i will deliver your food if noone else bothers.

I could add some extra more but i am at work atm.
Yes maybe not phrased literally as “just a pre-patch”, but context is there: it’s a pre-patch, don’t take is seriously, doesn’t matter what is balanced, sl is most important, at 60 we will shine etc, etc. Balance is not delivered even at 60 and 9 day from actual exp.


Why u interact with jito? And who summoned him

Dont break the rule du not summon the pvp god himself


That’s what I said.

This is what people refer to when they say “Relax it’s just pre-patch”.
They refer to the game experience during the pre-patch.

And as you say, then it doesn’t matter. Shadowlands is what matters.

But the OP has linked a video from the Beta. And a quote that says “Relax it’s just prepatch”.
The presentation is obviously that the quoted person has said that in response to the video.
But it’s not a real quote, it has no relevance or context to the Beta video, and therefore it is disingenuous to present a question as if people keep saying “relax it’s pre patch” when no one is saying that in the context the OP presents it.

There’s a difference between the context of the quote you’re presenting, which is how it’s always presented. And that’s awesome. :+1:

The OP presents the quote in the context of a Beta video by Venruki. But no one has ever said “relax it’s just pre-patch” in relation to that. Presenting it as if someone has, that’s disingenuous. :-1:

Nope just typing a load of crap. His posts are low IQ and TLDR, best that one spends their time reading meaningful posts.

That strikes me as a bit of an oxymoron.

Just a thought. :upside_down_face:

You might want to explain how what he said is self-contradicting.

But isn’t that what op is trying to say? That he have been saying that game was broken in pre-patch and got bashed for that because its a pre-patch and balance doesn’t matter. He was told that game balance was at 60 but when he took a look of beta balance aka 60 lvl he found it pretty unbalanced eventho not much is left before release. So now he is asking to ppl who said “game is revolved around 60 lvl and balance too, pre-patch doesn’t matter” to answer for their own words.

Relax Its Just beta.
Joke aside, this cr@p will go live and there are two thing we can do about it.

  1. Nothing.
  2. Like it.

I said it struck me as an oxymoron, not that it was self-contradicting.
Dissonant words to describe my posts I would say, if I were to use another term than oxymoron. But self-contradicting? No. But oxymoron is not a synonym for self-contradiction, although both words describe each other well.

Where do you read all that?

Here’s the first post of the thread:

The title is a question saying: “Relax it’s just prepatch”.
The topic poses a question asking: Are you gonna keep on saying “relax it’s pre patch”?
The reference to the question and the title is a video by Venruki on the Beta server playing at level 60.

My criticism remains: Who keeps saying “Relax it’s just prepatch” when confronted with balance concerns on the Beta?
The OP is providing the quote and the question. Who is he quoting and who is he asking?

You’ve linked a lot of examples of people who have said “Relax it’s just pre-patch”. But all those examples were in regards to the pre-patch game experience, as you yourself pointed out.
No one seems to say it as an excuse for the concerns with Beta balance. So why does the OP present it as if that’s the case?

I said that was disingenuous, because no one have looked at the video made by Venruki and posted in a serious manner: “Relax it’s just prepatch”.

No one.

Now, as others have said, maybe the OP meant something else. And that’s fair enough. But then my point would be that people should write what they mean. Especially if you include quotes, as that implies factuality.

Some really weird people here with comprehension issues. I’d wager somewhere on the autistic spectrum.

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Most of that quotes were picked up from ops other thread where he was saying that some things were very broken. Than as you can read ppl told him that it was a pre-patch which never ment to be balanced. Everything should have worked fine at 60, not on 50. He went and looked at beta and saw that even at 60 things weren’t balanced as those people claimed to be and here we are. At least that’s what i think op tried to say.

Wait, what? I am not even greek and i know what that word means and what it describes. And self-contradiction is one of its definitions. Outright denying that renders you a pseudo-intellectual.

You know what people do when they are out arguments? They start being literal about things. No, noone went to the video and commentated there with “relax, it’s just pre-patch”. You are right there. You happy now? This however wasn’t what anyone was saying. People are saying this relax thing anywhere and this video shows, that people should worry regardless if it’s pre-patch right now or not.

Maybe. I’m also drilling excessively hard and nitpicking, but that’s mostly just to defend my own reply.

I mean, here’s what the OP said:

And I replied, basically saying this:

That was my only point: That the people on this forum aren’t saying any of those things. You’re not making excuses for Blizzard. Those are not real quotes made by real people in this PvP community.
On this forum and in this community there’s no doubt that Blizzard hears all the complaints and criticism people have about balance and design. No one is providing the excuses that the OP are implying.

But if I am wrong, and that PvPers are indeed saying what the OP is quoting, then I will stand corrected. It’s just not what I’m seeing when I read the Arena forum (or elsewhere for that matter).

I’ll take being a pseudo-intellectual over low-IQ. But I suppose the goal for the both of you is to push some insults my way, so maybe it doesn’t really matter? :partying_face:

Regardless – and I feel like I’m nitpicking this thread to death already – a pseudo-intellectual discussion pertaining to linguistics is not really my cup of tea right now…
That being said, I’ll stand by what I said. An oxymoron does definitely imply self-contradictory terms, but it does not mean that outright or is limited to that. Hence why the two terms are different. Oxymoron is a bit broader. I used dissonance to explain the context for which I used it. Saying the words are at odds with each other works as well. But saying they’re self-contradicting is a bit too specific for the intent I wanted to convey, and I wouldn’t argue that length in writing and low IQ were somehow contradictions of each other. But I would say that they strike me as dissonant words or words at odds with each other. So an oxymoron.

Regardless, my main intent was just to throw a short rebuttal at someone who felt the desire to gift me with an ad hominem. Jerk.

I have only defended my replies as I have written them. And I wrote a response to the OP’s post(s) before any of you came in and started nit-picking on intent and meaning (despite not being the OP you all are quick to become spokespeople so you can take opposition to my posting – lovely). So I have elaborated on what I initially said, which is what my overly obnoxious behavior compels me to do. Because what I said initially is god damn right, and so I will make a point out of that. And yes, I will be happy about that.
What others have said afterward is not really my business. People can discuss the topic as they want. I am just accounting for my own posts and the line of thinking I’ve expressed on the topic.

This is getting excessive, but whatever. :expressionless:

The only excessive thing in here is you Jito. I can’t believe how anyone on this forum can put up with you. Seriously.

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Are you serious? Did you chose to ignore all the quotes someone bothered laying here for you while you kept on asking the same question for which you had already been given an answer that you have ignored? To think the world is full of people like you… Just shut up already, the OP made his point and normal people understood what he was talking about, you had loads of opportunities to understand what he was talking about too, if you don’t agree fair play to you, just stop playing dumb though, what else can we say… So much ink for such a simple point being made.