We all know you love transmog-ing, isn´t it time we go full-on paint-mogging our cosplay sets?
If you’re asking for dyes it wont happen. As I’ve said before blizzard would never remove their ability to push mass recolours as “content”.
I literaly could kill for an SW:ToR or AION -like dye system
Especially for the color synchronize ability…
When that one little piece of mog is just a bit off shade of color…
Besides, they’d had to redo EVERY SINGLE item (bit by bit) to add dyeable channels.
That alone, nah
Wait for wow 2
As if that will ever happen
Yep it will happen .
This is the best chance to get dyes, so it looking kinda bleak. Also wayy too much work and would cause the playerbase to loose their mind, cause all the recolors they’ve farmed like heroic to norm or even raid finder would all just be the same, making work irrelevant.
And I don’t need to tell you how much wow players hate when their work is irrelevant.
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