Relevant zones for a Draenei DK?

I hope this is the correct place to ask. I was thinking of rolling a Draenei DK and was wondering what would be the most relevant zones storywise (or otherwise thematically) for either a Draenei or a Death Knight?

The only ones that I can think of are:

  • East and West Plaguelands (probably more of a paladin thing, but I guess fighting the scourge is still thematically close)
  • Draenor Shadowmoon Valley, seems to be all about the draenei

What else? I know Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isles exist but honestly I don’t really fancy doing them again. Also, as much as I like Northrend I’ve been there somewhat recently so I don’t really fancy going there either.

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Draenor Talador. Hellfire Peninsula (because of Temple of Telhamat, but it’s a rather small part of the whole zone), similar case is Zangarmarsh, there are two hubs that are draenei focused (Telredor and Orebor Harborage but the latter has other race representatives and there are mostly broken iirc. But Telredor is one of the coolest towns in the game imo). I’d also say Nagrand, but there are like only broken. But they are still draenei so I’d guess this counts? :smiley: Also Swamp of Sorrows has a quest hub with both draenei and broken. They are quite a big part of the story there iirc (although I haven’t done the quests there for a loong while).

As for DK relevant zones pretty much whole of Northrend fits, I get that you dont feel like going there but I can’t really think of a better place for a DK :sweat_smile:


For DK the northern Part of the eastern Kingdoms, both plaguelands in particular, have some excellent Stories involving DKs and Stuff relevant to DKs.
Also needed to have complete context on the Legion Order Hall Campaign.

Then for older DK-Stuff there’s Northrend, mostly Ice Crown for Arthas and DK-Stories.

For Draenei there’s most BC leveling Zones and Draenor. All zones there have at least some Draenei Involvement.

Have fun leveling :wink:


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