Religion diversity in WoW

Dude. You are making a problem where there is no problem. Why the heck you want (your) Religions be represented in a FICTIONAL game, made to let you ESCAPE REALITY?

You are the first person I see complaining about this topic since I joined in mid BfA and use the forums. Literally the first person.

Sorry but where is anything from MoP a religion? I am talking about the semi-inspired religions from World of Warcraft and the last time I checked nothing added by MoP patches was in any way religion related.

Also as said by Aerodynamics:


nah. its reality.

anyway. hes not trolling. this thread was somethin he thought in ther other thread and his reasons seems to be genuine.

I´ve heard that your Nightborne Hunter said about Using Darkflight (Worgen speed) before bladestorm

Sod off, OP. Nobody wants to bring real religions into the game, and this is hardly the place to discuss them. It is true, the Human light worshipers in WoW are indeed inspired by catholics, because they had the crusades. I know right? Who would have thought that the developers of a game with magic wielding knights would be inspired by those?

I do not understand what triggers you about it. I am not catholic, and this is literally a non-issue. Keep your political and religious standpoints out of here.


btw I thought of
Ahn’qiraj and their inhabitants the rapresentative of the notorious middle eastern religion , i mean their behavior is the same. they just dont look human


We need diversity in wow, that’s not political.

Valid point.

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It’s the ultimate power move.
Worgen warrior is actually broken, you can Beyblade at light speed and outrun Demon Hunters with this one simple trick.

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So it’s okay for the game to have real life influences as long as they’re not diverse.

Got it.

It seems that you are more desplaying your hostility towards Christianity as a whole.
The game has a lot more nuance than that. Each race of the Alliance and Horde and even other things have their own power sources and their own religions.

Vrykul is Norse Mythology and they have their own Priests.
Night Elf - Worship the moon.
Kul Tirans - Tidesages that is sea / water elemental worship.
Trolls and Zandalari Trolls - Worship the Loa. Have deep connections in Jamaican Voodoo and spiritualism.
Draenai and Lightforged Draenai - Worship the Naaru beings of Light and Shadow.
Forsaken - After becoming abominations in death the Light actively harms them, so their cannon religion is the cult of forbidden shadow.
Arthas and the Scourge was worshipped as a death god.
Goblins - They just have a love of money and don’t worhsip anything.
Tauren and Highmountain Tauren - Earth Mother so its Earth Worship and Sun worship with Anshe.
Worgen - Paganism more specifically Druidism the main religion of UK before Romans sailed to UK.
Orcs - Shamanism is a real world religion. The Orcs have always been guided by the elements.

There is a lot of Nuance within the World of Warcraft that are seperate from Christendom and Christianity.
The Light of the Humans of Stormwind seem to be different yes. So church of the Holy Light does not actually specify what its source of Light is.
The Holy Warrior Paladin have always had the same theme of some kind of angelic warrior.

There have always been “acceptable” demographics to $hit on. So I doubt Blizzard will care for targeting Christianity.
Just try to keep things in game.


Btw Im religious but not christian. Still I always rooted for the scarlet crusade <3

If that’s true, that would actually be extremely problematic/racist by blizzard. Their clothing seems to be eastern, so it is potentially very paradox judging by their previous promises with making diversity their strength.

But it is not a Christian church, you muppet. It is literally an imaginary religion in a fantasy game. It is partly inspired. One of the symbols looks like a cross but it is not one.
And yet here you are saying this stuff:

If Bishop Arthur is shown in a cinematic chanting Ave Maria or something then we can discuss this again.


do you hear the music when you enter the raid? feels like Baghdad ! And all that skittering noises makes all this more real .

But PLEASE like this:


Please explain how my post violates the rules. I’m literally askig for more diversity, not anything else. I didn’t judge anyone.

Major Religions or Religious Figures

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Negatively portray major religions or religious figures

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support (


I haven’t done this. You have done that in comments. Maybe learn english first before quoting a rule.

I literally can’t stand people like you. Always trying to find something to complain about… The future is looking scary with many of you kinds, please stop this and grow up.


Don’t forget the Ramkahen, based on the egyptians. This game is rampant with different religious interpretations.